
       李察艾登玻洛 (Richard Attenborough)          Richard Attenborough -2          Richard Attenborough -3

李察艾登玻洛 (Richard Attenborough1923 –2014):英國演員、電影導演和製片。為人熟悉的演出有《第三集中營》(The Great Escape1963)、《34街的奇蹟》(Miracle On 34th Street1994)《侏羅紀公園》(Jurassic Park1993)等。執導的《甘地》提名11項奧斯卡金像獎,贏得最佳影片、最佳導演等8項。


1969 Oh! What a Lovely War

1972 Young Winston

1977 奪橋遺恨 (A Bridge Too Far)

1978 傀儡兇手 (Magic)

1982 甘地 (Gandhi)

1985 歌舞線上 (A Chorus Line)

1987 哭喊自由 (Cry Freedom)

1992 卓別林與他的情人 (Chaplin)

1993 影子大地 (Shadowlands)

1996 永遠愛你 (In Love And War)

1999 荒野英豪 (Grey Owl)

2007 情人 (Closing the Ring)



1942  In Which We Serve【未列名】

1946  太虛幻境 (A Matter of Life and Death / Stairway to Heaven)

1947  怒海恩仇記 (The Man Within)

1947  布萊登棒棒糖 (Brighton Rock)

1948  London Belongs to Me (Dulcimer Street)

1950  Morning Departure (Operation Disaster)

1951  The Magic Box

1956  戰艦育嬰記 (The Baby and the Battleship)

1958  Dunkirk

1958  熱砂之屋 (Sea of Sand / Desert Patrol)

1959  I'm All Right Jack

1959  太平洋上60 (SOS Pacific)

1959  生死戰線 (Danger Within)

1960  怒而不發 (The Angry Silence)

1960  The League of Gentlemen

1962  All Night Long

1963  第三集中營 (The Great Escape)

1964  Seance on a Wet Afternoon

1964  第三秘密 (The Third Secret)

1964  Guns at Batasi

1965  鳳凰劫 (The Flight of the Phoenix)

1966  聖保羅砲艇 (The Sand Pebbles)

1967  杜立德先生 (Doctor Dolittle)

1968  花蕊夫人 (The Bliss of Mrs. Blossom)

1971  10 Rillington Place

1975  玫瑰花蕊 (Rosebud)

1977  Shatranj Ke Khilari (The Chess Players)

1977  奪橋遺恨 (A Bridge Too Far) 【未列名】

1993  侏羅紀公園 (Jurassic Park)

1994  34街的奇蹟 (Miracle on 34th Street)

1996  哈姆雷特 (Hamlet)

1997  侏羅紀公園2失落的世界 (The Lost World: Jurassic Park)

1998  伊莉莎白 (Elizabeth)

2002  Puckoon


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