傑夫利亨特 (Jeffrey Hunter)         Jeffrey Hunter -2        Jeffrey Hunter -3

傑夫利亨特(Jeffrey Hunter1926 – 1969):美國影視演員及製作人。曾演出60餘部影片,為人熟悉的演出有搜索者 (The Searchers) 萬王之王 (King of Kings)


1950  Julius Caesar【未列名】

1951  Call Me Mister

1951  十五重天 (Fourteen Hours)

1951  The Frogmen

1951  天下父母心 (Take Care of My Little Girl)

1952  火燄山恩仇記 (Red Skies of Montana)

1952  Belles on Their Toes

1952  綠野紅顏 (Lure of the Wilderness)

1952  Dreamboat

1953  Single-Handed (Sailor of the King)

1954  龍俠虎盜 (Three Young Texans)

1954  尼羅河公主 (Princess of the Nile)

1955  碧血丹盟 (White Feather)

1955  Seven Angry Men

1955  情血洒金城 (Seven Cities of Gold)

1956  平崗双雄 (The Proud Ones)

1956  搜索者 (The Searchers)

1956  鐵馬金戈 (The Great Locomotive Chase)

1956  斷崖情劫 (A Kiss before Dying)

1957  Gun for a Coward

1957  蕩寇新傳 (The True Story of Jesse James)

1957  黃金之路 (The Way to the Gold)

1957  風雨日光村 (No Down Payment)

1957  紅粉間諜王 (Count Five and Die)

1958  最後歡呼 (The Last Hurrah)

1958  戰爭與愛情 (In Love and War)

1960  第九騎兵團 (Sergeant Rutledge)

1960  玉碎塞班島 (Hell to Eternity)

1960  Key Witness

1961  Man-Trap

1961  萬王之王 (King of Kings)

1962  孤島壯士 (No Man Is an Island)

1962  最長的一日(The Longest Day)

1963  Oro per i Cesari(Gold for the Caesars)

1963  The Man from Galveston

1965  原野大俠客 (Joaquín Murrieta)

1965  Brainstorm

1966  Dimension 5

1966  Strange Portrait

1967  A Witch Without a Broom

1967  風月寶鑑 (A Guide for the Married Man)

1967  The Christmas Kid

1967  卡士達將軍 (Custer of the West)

1968  皆大歡喜 (The Private Navy of Sgt. O'Farrell)

1968  Joe... cercati un posto per morire! (Find a Place to Die)

1968  Frau Wirtin hat auch einen Grafen (Sexy Susan Sins Again)

1969  Super Colt 38

1969  ¡Viva América!

    傑夫利亨特 (Jeffrey Hunter)

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