李傑考柏 (Lee J. Cobb)       Lee J. Cobb -3       Lee J. Cobb -2

李傑考柏 (Lee J. Cobb1911 – 1976)美國演員,曾演出百餘部影片。代表作有十二怒漢 (12 Angry Men)岸上風雲 (On the Waterfront)大法師 (The Exorcist)


1934  The Vanishing Shadow【未列名】

1937  Rustlers' Valley

1937  Ali Baba Goes to Town

1938  Danger on the Air

1939  Golden Boy

1940  This Thing Called Love

1941  孤兒樂園續集 (Men of Boys Town)

1943  The Moon Is Down

1943  聖女之歌 (The Song of Bernadette)

1944  Winged Victory

1946  安娜與暹邏王(Anna and the King of Siam)

1947  作法自斃 (Boomerang!)

1947  荒漠怪客 (Johnny O'Clock)

1947  長勝將軍 (Captain from Castile)

1948  七七七北街奇蹟 (Call Northside 777)

1948  The Luck of the Irish

1949  Thieves' Highway

1950  The Man Who Cheated Himself

1951  The Family Secret

1952  The Fighter

1953  The Tall Texan

1954  金殿劫美(Yankee Pasha)

1954  金剛王 (Gorilla at Large)

1954  岸上風雲 (On the Waterfront)【獲得競逐奧斯卡最佳男配角獎提名】

1955  飛車壯史 (The Racers)

1955  亂世情天 (The Left Hand of God)

1956  一襲灰衣萬縷情 (The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit)

1957  十二怒漢 (12 Angry Men)【提名競逐金球獎最佳男配角】

1957  三面夏娃 (The Three Faces of Eve)

1958  手足之情 (The Brothers Karamazov)【提名競逐奧斯卡最佳男配角獎】

1958  西部人 (Man of the West)

1958  派對女郎 (Party Girl)

1959  埋伏 (The Trap)

1959  綠廈 (Green Mansions)

1959  雙鳳嬉龍 (But Not for Me)

1960  出埃及記 (Exodus)

1962  四騎士 (The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse)

1962  西部開拓史 (How the West Was Won)

1963  花花公子 (Come Blow Your Horn) 【獲得競逐金球獎最佳男配角提名】

1966  諜報飛龍 (Our Man Flint)

1967  諜報飛龍續集(In Like Flint)

1968  Il giorno della civetta (Mafia)

1968  獨行鐵金剛 (Coogan's Bluff)

1968  賭城大劫案 (They Came to Rob Las Vegas)

1969  麥坎納淘金記 (Mackenna's Gold)

1970  觸目驚心殺人夜 (The Liberation of L.B. Jones)

1970  魂斷惡虎嶺 (Macho Callahan)

1971  Lawman

1973  La polizia sta a guardare (The Great Kidnapping)

1973  大法師 (The Exorcist)

1974  Il venditore di palloncini (Last Moments

1975  諜王之王 (That Lucky Touch)

1976  La legge violenta della squadra anticrimine

    李傑考柏 (Lee J. Cobb)

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