李察托德 (Richard Todd)         Richard Todd -2         Richard Todd -3

李察托德(Richard Todd1919 –2009)愛爾蘭出生的英國舞台和電影演員,演出七十餘部影片。


1937  Good Morning, Boys【未列名】

1938  大學風光 (A Yank at Oxford)【未列名】

1938  Old Bones of the River【未列名】

1949  浮生若夢 (The Hasty Heart)

1949  The Interrupted Journey

1950  欲海驚魂 (Stage Fright)

1951  Lightning Strikes Twice

1952  俠盜羅賓漢 (The Story of Robin Hood and His Merrie Men)

1952  蒙特卡羅奇戀 (24 Hours of a Woman's Life)

1953  寶劍與玫瑰 (The Sword and the Rose)

1953  錦繡河山 (Rob Roy: The Highland Rogue)

1954  夢裡西施 (Secrets d'alcôve / The Bed)

1955  情聖 (A Man Called Peter)

1955  轟炸魯爾水壩記 (The Dam Busters)

1955  情后頑將 (The Virgin Queen)

1956  Marie-Antoinette reine de France (Shadow of the Guillotine)

1956  六月六日斷腸時(D-Day the Sixth of June)

1957  逃出鐵幕 (Yangtse Incident: The Story of H.M.S. Amethyst / Battle Hell)

1957  聖女復國記 (Saint Joan)

1958  海濱魅影 (Chase a Crooked Shadow)

1958  赤地戀 (The Naked Earth)

1958  喋血杏林 (Intent to Kill)

1959  生死戰線 (Danger Within)

1960  蘇格蘭警探 (Never Let Go)

1961  七勇士 (The Long and the Short and the Tall / Jungle Fighters)

1961  春色滿園關不住 (Don't Bother to Knock / Why Bother to Knock)

1961  五虎末日 (The Hellions)

1962  The Boys

1962  最長的一日(The Longest Day)

1963  The Very Edge

1965  飛彈爆炸戰 (Operation Crossbow)

1965  紅杏出牆 (The Battle of the Villa Fiorita)

1967  The Love-Ins

1938  Subterfuge

1970  Das Bildnis des Dorian Gray (Dorian Gray)

1972  Asylum

1978  The Big Sleep

1979  Home Before Midnight

1983  House of the Long Shadows

1988  Murder One

    李察托德 (Richard Todd)

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