米高安德遜 (Michael Anderson)              Michael Anderson -2              Michael Anderson -3

米高安德遜 (Michael Anderson1920 –):英國導演,曾在《Housemaster(1938)和《In Which We Serve(1942) 兩部影片中演小角色。二次世界大戰後,進入電影界,擔任導演。《轟炸魯爾水壩記》為首部成功之作。《環遊世界80》獲得奧斯卡獎和金球獎的最佳導演獎提名。《攔截時空禁區》是他的另一部代表作。後期的導演工作,主要是在電視界。


1949 Private Angelo

1950 Waterfront (Waterfront Women)

1951 Hell Is Sold Out

1951 Night Was Our Friend

1953 Will Any Gentleman...?

1953 The House of the Arrow

1955 轟炸魯爾水壩記 (The Dam Busters)

1956 1984

1956 環遊世界八十天 (Around the World in 80 Days)

1957 逃出鐵幕 (Yangtse Incident)

1958 海濱魅影 (Chase a Crooked Shadow)

1959 亂世奇男子 (Shake Hands with the Devil)

1959 怒海爭雄 (The Wreck of the Mary Deare)

1960 情海波瀾 (All the Fine Young Cannibals) 

1961 深閨驚魂 (The Naked Edge)

1964 三勇士 (Flight from Ashiya) 

1964 鴛鴦奇譚 (Wild and Wonderful) 

1965 飛彈爆炸戰 (Operation Crossbow)

1966 柏林別動隊 (The Quiller Memorandum)

1968 漁民的鞋子(The Shoes of the Fisherman)

1972 一代奇女子 (Pope Joan)

1975 Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze

1975 Conduct Unbecoming

1976 我不能死 (Logan's Run)

1977 大海怪 (Orca)

1978 大驚魂 (Dominique Is Dead / Dominique)

1982 Murder by Phone

1984 Second Time Lucky

1986 Separate Vacations

1989 Bottega dell'orefice (The Jeweler's Shop)

1989 攔截時光隧道 (Millennium)

1997 海底奇航 (20,000 Leagues Under the Sea)

1998 Summer of the Monkeys

1999 新木偶奇遇記 (The New Adventures of Pinocchio)

    米高安德遜 (Michael Anderson)
    創作者 佳銘的管窺與管見 的頭像


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