Ray Milland 雷密倫(1907–1986):威爾士演員和導演。影藝生涯從1929年到1985年。演出失去的週末 (The Lost Weekend)贏得奧斯卡最佳男主角獎。知名的作品有,野風 (Read the Wild Wind,1942) ,電話情殺案 (Dial M for Murder) ,以及愛的故事 (Love Story)。
1928 Moulin Rouge【未列名】
1931 Blonde Crazy
1934 Charlie Chan in London
1934 One Hour Late
1935 Alias Mary Dow
1935 The Glass Key
1936 The Return of Sophie Lang
1936 滿庭芳/春閨三鳳 (Three Smart Girls)
1937 Easy Living 6
1939 Hotel Imperial
1939 萬世流芳 (Beau Geste)
1940 沒有眼淚的法國人 (French Without Tears)
1940 香閣藏春 (The Doctor Takes a Wife)
1940 綉糸闥藏春 (The Doctor Takes a Wife)
1942 野風 (Read the Wild Wind)
1942 The Major and the Minor
1943 一世與一天 (Forever and a Day)
1944 The Uninvited
1944 此恨綿綿 (Till We Meet Again)
1944 Ministry of Fear
1945 風流貴婦 (Kitty)
1946 香檳鴛鴦 (Well-Groomed Bride)
1947 The Trouble with Women
1948 Sealed Verdict
1949 Alias Nick Beal
1949 春風吹又生 (It Happens Every Spring)
1950 她的一生 (A Life of Her Own)
1950 野俠遊鸞 (Copper Canyon)
1951 Rhubarb
1951 心心相印 (Close to My Heart)
1952 號角齊鳴 (Bugles in the Afternoon)
1952 斷腸相思 (Something to Live For)
1952 原子窃賊 (The Thief)
1954 電話情殺案 (Dial M for Murder)
1955 紅顏恨史 (The Girl in the Red Velvet Swing)
1955 金鎗獨行俠 (A Man Alone)
1956 里斯本 (Lisbon)
1956 海軍共諜案(Three Brave Men)
1957 江湖男女 (The River's Edge)
1962 生與死 (The Premature Burial)
1962 Panic in Year Zero!
1963 謎眼 (X: The Man with the X-ray Eyes)
1964 The Confession (Quick, Let's Get Married)
1970 愛的故事 (Love Story)
1974 鐵金剛勇破黃金黨 (Gold)
1978 星際大爭霸 (Battlestar Galactica)
1978 愛情的故事續集 (Oliver's Story)
1984 Serpiente de mar (The Sea Serpent)
1955 金鎗獨行俠 (A Man Alone)
1956 里斯本 (Lisbon)
1958 The Safecracker
1962 Panic in Year Zero!
1968 Hostile Witness