
        約瑟夫紐曼 (Joseph Newman)            Joseph Newman -2            Joseph Newman -3  

約瑟夫紐曼 (Joseph Newman1909 –2006)美國電影導演。兩度提名奧斯卡最佳助理導演獎【已無該獎項】:《塊肉餘生(David Copperfield1935)和《火燒舊金山》(San Francisco1936))This Island Earth》是最為人知的作品。


1942 Northwest Rangers

1948 Jungle Patrol

1949 The Great Dan Patch

1949 Abandoned

1950 711 Ocean Drive

1951 Lucky Nick Cain

1951 The Guy Who Came Back

1951 愛巢 (Love Nest)

1952 火燄山恩仇記 (Red Skies of Montana)

1952 The Outcasts of Poker Flat

1952 百勝鐵騎兵 (Pony Soldier)

1953 Dangerous Crossing

1954 The Human Jungle

1955 This Island Earth

1955 火之吻 (Kiss of Fire)

1956 Flight to Hong Kong

1957 Death in Small Doses

1959 Fort Massacre

1959 The Gunfight at Dodge City

1959 世界大馬戲團 (The Big Circus)

1959 野人泰山 (Tarzan, the Ape Man)

1961 King of the Roaring 20's: The Story of Arnold Rothstein

1961 Twenty Plus Two

1961 The Lawbreakers

1961 雷鼓震天 (A Thunder of Drums)

1961 The George Raft Story

1961 The George Raft Story 

    約瑟夫紐曼 (Joseph Newman)

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