姬簡杜(Kay Kendall,1927 – 1959):英國女演員和喜劇演員。1953年,演喜劇片《Genevieve》贏得金球獎音樂、喜劇片最佳女主角。1957年與雷克斯哈里遜 (Rex Harrison)結婚,1959年去世。
1944 Champagne Charlie【未列名】
1944 Fiddlers Three (While Nero Fiddled)
1944 Dreaming【未列名】
1945 Waltz Time
1945 傾國豔后 (Caesar and Cleopatra)【未列名】
1946 London Town
1950 黑地獄 (Night and the City)【未列名】
1950 Dance Hall
1951 香車美人 (Happy Go Lovely)【未列名】
1951 Lady Godiva Rides Again (Bikini Baby)
1952 Wings of Danger (Dead on Course)
1952 Curtain Up
1952 It Started in Paradise
1953 MantrapMan in Hiding
1953 Street of Shadows (The Shadow Man)
1953 Genevieve
1953 The Square Ring
1953 Meet Mr. Lucifer
1954 Fast and Loose
1954 春滿杏林 (Doctor in the House)
1955 Abdulla the Great (Abdullah's Harem)
1955 癡鳳狂鸞 (The Constant Husband)
1955 鐵血勤王 (The Adventures of Quentin Durward)
1957 美女霓裳 (Les Girls)
1958 春閨初戀 (The Reluctant Debutante)
1960 光頭冤家 (Once More, with Feeling!)