拉寇兒薇芝(Raquel Welch,1940–):美國影視演員和歌手。演《聯合縮小軍》(Fantastic Voyage,1966)受到注目。演《大洪荒》(One Million Years B.C.,1966)成為性感象徵。「花花公子」雜誌評為20世紀百大性感明星第三位。
1964 A House Is Not a Home
1964 流浪歌手 (Roustabout)【未列名】
1965 春宵夢濃 (Do Not Disturb)【未列名】
1965 A Swingin' Summer
1966 Spara forte, più forte... non capisco (Shoot Loud, Louder... I Don't Understand)
1966 大洪荒 (One Million Years B.C.)
1966 四美圖 (The Queens)
1967 Le plus vieux métier du monde (The Oldest Profession)
1967 Fathom
1967 眼花撩亂 (Bedazzled)
1968 戰鬥號角 (The Biggest Bundle of Them All)
1968 畢氏二虎 (Bandolero!)
1968 泥中女 (Lady in Cement)
1969 百支快鎗 (100 Rifles)
1969 奔 (Flareup)
1969 The Magic Christian
1970 Myra Breckinridge
1971 血灑杜鵑紅 (The Beloved / Sin)
1971 大復仇 (Hannie Caulder)
1972 大搜索 (Fuzz)
1972 Kansas City Bomber
1972 藍鬍子 (Bluebeard)
1973 勾魂遊戲The (Last of Sheila)
1973 三劍客 (The Three Musketeers)
1974 新四劍客 (The Four Musketeers: Milady's Revenge)
1975 The Wild Party
1976 三個臭皮匠 (Mother, Jugs & Speed)
1977 新乞丐王子 (The Prince and the Pauper / Crossed Swords)
1977 L'animaAnimal
1998 Chairman of the Board
1998 Folle d'elle
2001 玉米粉圓餅湯 (Tortilla Soup)
2001 金法尤物 (Legally Blonde)
2006 Forget About It