
   約翰密爾斯 (John Mills)   John Mills -3   John Mills -2

約翰密爾斯 (John Mills1908 – 2005):英國演員,影視生涯橫跨70年,演出130餘部影片。演雷恩的女兒 (Ryan's Daughter)獲得奧斯卡最佳男配角獎。


1932  The Midshipmaid (Midshipmaid Gob)

1933  The Ghost Camer

1934  Those Were the Days

1935  Royal Cavalcade(Regal Cavalcade)

1935  Brown on Resolution (Born for Glory)

1935  Charing Cross Road

1936  Tudor RoseNine Days a Queen

1937  The Green Cockatoo

1939  萬世師表 (Goodbye, Mr. Chips)

1941  Cottage to LetBombsight Stolen

1942  Black Sheep of Whitehall

1942  效忠祖國 (In Which We Serve)

1943  We Dive at Dawn

1944  天倫之樂 / 快樂天地 (This Happy Breed)

1945  Waterloo Road

1945  往星球之路 (The Way to the Stars / Johnny in the Clouds)

1946  孤兒奇緣 (Great Expectations)

1947  So Well Remembered

1947  The October Man

1948  Scott of the Antarctic

1949  The Rocking Horse Winner

1950  Morning Departure (Operation Disaster)

1951  Mr. Denning Drives North

1952  The Gentle Gunman

1953  The Long Memory

1954  女大不中留 (Hobson's Choice)

1955  The Colditz Story

1955  巫山夢斷腸 (The End of the Affair)

1955  威震大西洋 (Above Us the Waves)

1956  戰艦育嬰記 (The Baby and the Battleship)

1956  戰爭與和平 (War and Peace) 

1956  環遊世界八十天 (Around the World in 80 Days)

1956  It's Great to Be Young!

1957  Town on Trial

1957  警網擒兇 (The Vicious Circle)

1958  Dunkirk

1958  恐怖之砂 (Ice Cold in Alex)

1958  I Was Monty's Double (Hell, Heaven or Hoboken) 

1959  猛虎潭 (Tiger Bay) 

1959  熱戀 (Summer of the Seventeenth Doll / Season of Passion)

1960  鼓笛震軍魂 (Tunes of Glory)

1960  海角一樂園 (Swiss Family Robinson)

1961  昆城血淚(The Singer Not the Song)

1961  媽媽愛爸爸 (The Parent Trap)【未列名】

1961  情火 (Flame in the Streets)

1962  The Valiant

1964  情竇初開 (The Truth about Spring)

1964  燕歸巢 (The Chalk Garden)

1965  飛彈爆炸戰 (Operation Crossbow)

1965  King Rat

1966  瘋狂世家 (The Wrong Box)

1966  The Family Way

1967  Africa: Texas Style

1967  血洗英雄堡 (Chuka)

1968  La morte non ha sesso (A Black Veil for Lisa)

1968  蓋世美人 (Le calde notti di Lady Hamilton / Emma Hamiltonn)

1969  Run Wild, Run Free

1969  Oh! What a Lovely War

1970  Adam's Woman

1970  雷恩的女兒 (Ryan's Daughter)

1971  Dulcima

1972  Young Winston

1972  癡情佳人(Lady Caroline Lamb)

1973  無情大地補情天 (Oklahoma Crude)

1975  The 'Human' Factor

1976  Trial by Combat (A Dirty Knight's Work)

1977  Des Teufels Advokat  (The Devil's Advocate)

1978  The Thirty-Nine Steps

1979  天搖地動震山河 (Zulu Dawn)

1982  甘地 (Gandhi)

1983  撒哈拉 (Sahara)

1987  那女孩是誰 (Who's That Girl)

1994  家賊難防 (Deadly Advice)

1995  The Grotesque (Gentlemen Don't Eat Poets)

1996  肯尼斯布萊納之哈姆雷特 (Hamlet)

1997  豆豆秀 (Bean)

2003  Bright Young Things

    約翰密爾斯 (John Mills)

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