強霍爾 (Jon Hall,1915 –1979):美國電影演員,以扮演各種冒險角色聞名。電視影集《原野傳奇》(Ramar of the Jungle,1952–1954)亦為人熟知。
1935 Women Must Dress
1935 Here's to Romance【未列名】
1935 上海血案(Charlie Chan in Shanghai)
1935 叛艦喋血記 (Mutiny on the Bounty) 【未列名】
1936 The Lion Man
1936 The Mysterious Avenger
1936 The Amazing Exploits of the Clutching Hand
1936 Winds of the Wasteland
1936 莫管閒事(Mind Your Own Business)
1937 The Girl from Scotland Yard
1937 狂風暴雨 (The Hurricane)
1940 水手夫人(Sailor's Lady)
1940 蓬島情燄(South of Pago Pago)
1940 勇冠三軍(Kit Carson)
1941 美人魚 (Aloma of the South Seas)
1942 南國樂園(The Tuttles of Tahiti)
1942 神鷹突擊隊(Eagle Squadron)
1942 Invisible Agent
1943 White Savage
1944 阿利巴巴四十大盜 (Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves)
1944 蛇蠍美人 (Cobra Woman)
1944 The Invisible Man's Revenge
1944 野女郎 (Gypsy Wildcat)
1944 萬事如意(San Diego I Love You)
1945 尼羅河女皇 (Sudan)
1945 Men in Her Diary
1945 風流情俠 (The Michigan Kid)
1947 塞外爭雄記 (The Vigilantes Return)
1947 紅人魂 (Last of the Redmen)
1948 賊王子 (The Prince of Thieves)
1949 血染七洲洋 (The Mutineers)
1949 Zamba
1949 Deputy Marshal
1950 On the Isle of Samoa
1951 掃蕩紅番陣 (When the Redskins Rode)
1951 China Corsair
1951 暴風劫 (Hurricane Island)
1952 勇冠萬軍 (Brave Warrior)
1952 Last Train from Bombay
1957 Hell Ship Mutiny
1959 海底奪寶(Forbidden Island)
1965 The Beach Girls and the Monster