
      却爾斯柯本 (Charles Coburn)          Charles Coburn -2          Charles Coburn -3

却爾斯柯本 (Charles Coburn1877 – 1961):美國電影和戲劇演員。生涯演出近百部電影和電視片,以喜劇片中的演出聞名。演《二房東小姐》(The More the Merrier1943),獲得奧斯卡最佳男配角獎。


1935  The People's Enemy

1938  Vivacious Lady

1938  鬧海蛟龍 (Lord Jeff)

1939  地老天荒 (Idiot's Delight)

1939  The Story of Alexander Graham Bell

1939  Bachelor Mother

1939  Stanley and Livingstone

1939  文君怨 (In Name Only)

1940  南國之春 (Road to Singapore)

1940  愛迪生傳 (Edison, the Man)

1940  Florian

1941  落繡鞋 / 淑女伊芙The Lady Eve)

1941  蓮花仙子 (The Devil and Miss Jones)

1941  H.M. Pulham, Esq

1942  金石盟 (Kings Row)

1942  斷腸花 (In This Our Life)

1942  George Washington Slept Here

1943   二房東小姐 (The More the Merrier)

1943  謫仙怨 (The Constant Nymph)

1943  Heaven Can Wait

1943  公主想飛 (Princess O'Rourke)

1944  荷蘭人的假期 (Knickerbocker Holiday)

1944  威爾遜總統傳 (Wilson)

1945  藍色狂想曲 (Rhapsody in Blue)

1946  黛綠年華 (The Green Years)

1947  Lured

1947  疑兇 (The Paradine Case)

1948  飛龍引鳳 (Green Grass of Wyoming)

1949  Impact

1949  Yes Sir, That's My Baby

1949  The Doctor and the Girl

1949  妖姬傾城 (The Gal Who Took the West)

1951  The Highwayman

1952  Has Anybody Seen My Gal

1952  妙藥春情 (Monkey Business)

1953  柳暗花明又一村 (Trouble Along the Way)

1953  紳士愛美人 (Gentlemen Prefer Blondes)

1954  鐵臂煞星 (The Long Wait)

1955  驚鳳攀龍 (How to Be Very, Very Popular)

1956  刼後佳人 (The Power and the Prize)

1956  環遊世界八十天 (Around the World in 80 Days)

1957  How to Murder a Rich Uncle

1957  人類的故事 (The Story of Mankind)

1959  歡樂人家 (The Remarkable Mr. Pennypacker)

1959  孤孀情淚 (A Stranger in My Arms)

1959  大海戰史 (John Paul Jones)

1960  小人物狂想史 (Pepe)


    却爾斯柯本 (Charles Coburn)

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