唐娜麗(Donna Reed,1921 –1986):美國電影和電視演員和製片人。職業生涯跨越40多年,演出52部電影和電視片。演《風雲人物》(It's a Wonderful Life,1946)而聞名。演 亂世忠魂 (From Here to Eternity)獲得奧斯卡最佳女配角獎。
1940 Convicted Woman 【未列名】
1941 The Getaway
1941 Shadow of the Thin Man
1941 百老匯的小鬼 (Babes on Broadway)【未列名】
1942 The Bugle Sounds
1942 The Courtship of Andy Hardy
1942 Mokey
1942 Calling Dr. Gillespie
1942 Apache Trail
1942 盲犬神探 (Eyes in the Night)
1943 The Human Comedy
1943 Dr. Gillespie's Criminal Case
1943 The Man from Down Under
1943 萬眾歡騰 (Thousands Cheer)
1944 See Here, Private Hargrove
1944 Gentle Annie
1945 The Picture of Dorian Gray
1945 They Were Expendable
1946 Faithful in My Fashion
1946 風雲人物 (It's a Wonderful Life)
1947 紐西蘭地震記 (Green Dolphin Street)
1948 赤胆雄心 (Beyond Glory)
1949 血洗芝加哥 (Chicago Deadline)
1951 Saturday's Hero
1952 Scandal Sheet
1952 Rainbow 'Round My Shoulder【未列名】
1952 Hangman's Knot
1953 柳暗花明又一村 (Trouble Along the Way)
1953 Raiders of the Seven Seas
1953 亂世忠魂 (From Here to Eternity)
1953 糊塗跟班 (The Caddy)
1953 絕嶺三雄 (Gun Fury)
1954 三小時決勝 (Three Hours to Kill)
1954 魂斷巴黎 (The Last Time I Saw Paris)
1954 戰鼓柔情 (They Rode West)
1956 班尼古曼傳 (The Benny Goodman Story)
1956 電話勒贖案 (Ransom!)
1956 Backlash
1956 蠻國恩仇 (Beyond Mombasa)
1960 小人物狂想史 (Pepe)