瓊愛麗蓀(June Allyson,1917–2006)美國舞台、電影和視員。1938年開始職業生涯,在百老匯擔任舞者。1943年與米高梅公司簽約,以《Two Girls and a Sailor》一舉成名。1940年代中期,與范強生(Van Johnson)合演五部影片,豎立了「鄰家女孩」形象。1951年,以《彩鳳瑶琴》贏得金球獎最佳女主角獎。1970年代,回到舞台。2001年的《A Girl, Three Guys, and a Gun》是她的最後銀幕演出。
1943 Best Foot Forward
1943 Girl Crazy
1944 Two Girls and a Sailor
1944 Meet the People
1944 彩鳳清歌 (Music for Millions)
1945 癡情公主(Her Highness and the Bellboy)
1945 The Sailor Takes a Wife
1946 桃李競芳 (Two Sisters from Boston)
1946 銀漢笙歌 (Till The Clouds Roll By)
1946 The Secret Heart
1947 血海情鴛 (High Barbaree)
1947 青春樂 (Good News)
1948 The Bride Goes Wild
1948 新三劍客 (The Three Musketeers)
1948 Words and Music【客串】
1949 小婦人 (Little Women)
1949 淑女癡戀 (The Stratton Story)
1950 The Reformer and the Redhead
1950 鐵臂金剛 (Right Cross)
1951 彩鳳瑶琴 (Too Young to Kiss)
1952 The Girl in White
1953 生死邊沿(Battle Circus)
1953 Remains to Be Seen
1954 格蘭密勒傳 (The Glenn Miller Story)
1954 女人世界 (Woman's World)
1955 戰略空軍 (Strategic Air Command)
1955 勞燕不分飛 (The Shrike)
1955 F-86飛虎英雄傳 (The McConnell Story)
1956 一夜風流 (You Can't Run Away from It)
1957 斷腸弦聲 (Interlude / Forbidden Interlude)
1959 孤孀情淚 (A Stranger in My Arms)
1972 狗兇手 (They Only Kill Their Masters)
1978 Blackout
2001 A Girl, Three Guys, and a Gun