
          亨利哈塞威 (Henry Hathaway)              Henry Hathaway -2            Henry Hathaway -3

亨利哈塞威 (Henry Hathaway1898 –1985):美國電影導演和製片人。以執導西部片著稱,特別是倫道夫史谷脫(Randolph Scott)和約翰韋恩(John Wayne),奠定了前者漫長的牛仔明星地位;後者演《大地驚雷》獲得奧斯卡最佳男主角獎。1932年執導處女作《Heritage of the Desert》。1935,他執導的《抗敵英雄》獲得7項奧斯卡獎提名,包括最佳影片獎,也是他唯一次的奧斯卡最佳導演獎提名。


1923 十誡 (The Ten Commandments)【助導,未列名】

1925 Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ【助導,未列名】

1927 The Rough Riders【助導】

1930 Behind the Make-Up【未列名】

1932 Heritage of the Desert

1932 Wild Horse Mesa

1933 The Thundering Herd

1933 Under the Tonto Rim

1933 Sunset Pass

1933 Man of the Forest

1933 To the Last Man

1934 The Witching Hour

1934 The Last Round-Up

1934 直到永遠 (Now and Forever)

1934 Come On, Marines!

1935 抗敵英雄 (The Lives of a Bengal Lancer)

1935 Peter Ibbetson

1936 邊塞英雄傳 (The Trail of the Lonesome Pine)

1936 Go West Young Man

1936 I Loved a Soldier

1937 Souls at Sea

1938 北海漁光 (Spawn of the North)

1939 The Real Glory

1940 Johnny Apollo

1940 摩門教主/萬里關山 (Brigham Young /Brigham Young – Frontiersman)

1941 The Shepherd of the Hills

1941 落日浴血記 (Sundown)

1942 中國女郎 (China Girl)

1942 Ten Gentlemen from West Point

1944 祈禱者 (Wing and a Prayer)

1944 故鄉情濃 (Home in Indiana)

1945 間諜戰 (The House on 92nd Street)

1945 Nob Hill

1946 The Dark Corner

1947 龍爭虎鬥 (Kiss of Death)

1947 13 Rue Madeleine

1948 七七七北街奇蹟 (Call Northside 777)

1949 海上男兒 (Down to the Sea in Ships)

1950 黑玫瑰 (The Black Rose)

1951 沙漠之狐 (The Desert Fox: The Story of Rommel)

1951 十四小時 (Fourteen Hours)

1951 浴血邊城 (Rawhide)

1951 You're in the Navy Now

1952 諜影雄風 (Diplomatic Courier)

1952 錦繡人生 (Full House)

1953 飛瀑怒潮 (Niagara)

1953 非洲白天使 (White Witch Doctor) 

1954 罪惡之園 (Garden of Evil)

1954 華倫王子(Prince Valiant)

1955 飛車壯史 (The Racers)

1956 難兄難弟 (The Bottom of the Bottle)

1956 盲人破巨案 (23 Paces to Baker Street)

1957 寶城艷姬 (Legend of the Lost)

1958 萬里追踪 (From Hell to Texas)

1959 天涯一婦人 (Woman Obsessed) 

1960 七賊 (Seven Thieves)

1960 北國尋金記 (North to Alaska)

1962 西部開拓史 (How the West Was Won) 

1964 馬戲世界 (Circus World)

1964 蕩女痴男 (Of Human Bondage)

1965 一門四虎 (The Sons of Katie Elder)

1966 西部浪子 (Nevada Smith) 

1967 菲洲大狩獵 (The Last Safari)

1968 五張王牌 (5 Card Stud)

1969 大地驚雷 (True Grit) 

1970 國際機場(Airport)

1971 襲擊隆美爾 (Raid on Rommel)

1971 春臨大地 (Shoot Out)

1974 Hangup

    亨利哈塞威 (Henry Hathaway)

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