勞勃史蒂文森 (Robert Stevenson,1905 –1986):英國電影導演及劇作。在英國執導《King Solomon's Mines》等影片,1940年代轉往好萊塢發展。在1960和1970年代,為Walt Disney公司共執導19部電影。最為人熟知的影片是《歡樂滿人間》,該片獲得最佳影片、最佳導演等13獎項提名,贏得最佳女主獎等5項。
1932 A Blonde Dream
1933 Falling for You
1934 The Camels Are Coming【未列名】
1936 Nine Days a Queen (Tudor Rose)
1936 The Man Who Lived Again
1936 Jack of All Trades
1937 King Solomon's Mines
1937 Non-Stop New York
1938 To the Victor
1938 The Ware Case
1939 Young Man's Fancy
1940 Return to Yesterday
1940 Tom Brown's School Days
1941 芳華虛度 (Back Street)
1942 巴黎聖女 (Joan of Paris)
1943 天長地久 (Forever and a Day)
1943 簡愛 (Jane Eyre)
1947 蕩婦痴情 (Dishonored Lady)
1948 天涯追踪 (To the Ends of the Earth)
1949 失足恨 (The Woman on Pier 13)
1950 Walk Softly, Stranger
1951 My Forbidden Past
1952 拉斯維加斯故事 (The Las Vegas Story)
1957 自由戰士 (Johnny Tremain)
1957 父親離家時 (Old Yeller)
1959 夢遊小人國 (Darby O'Gill and the Little People)
1960 歷劫孤星 (Kidnapped)
1961 飛天老爺車 (The Absent-Minded Professor)
1962 流浪天涯 (In Search of the Castaways)
1964 阿達超人 (The Misadventures of Merlin Jones)
1964 歡樂滿人間 (Mary Poppins)
1965 The Monkey's Uncle
1967 The Gnome-Mobile
1968 黑鬍子 (Blackbeard's Ghost)
1968 萬能金龜車 (The Love Bug)
1971 飛天萬能床 (Bedknobs and Broomsticks)
1974 金龜車大鬧舊金山 (Herbie Rides Again)
1974The Island at the Top of the World
1975 恐龍失蹤記 (One of Our Dinosaurs Is Missing)
1976 笑死人 (The Shaggy D.A.)