
          霍華赫克斯 (Howard Hawks)            Howard Hawks -2            Howard Hawks -3

霍華赫克斯 (Howard Hawks1896 –1977) 美國電影導演、製片和編劇。擅長拍動作片,尤其是西部片。45(1926 – 1970)的影藝生涯中,執導46部電影(2部未列名)。曾以執導的《神鎗手》獲得奧斯卡最佳導演獎提名。


1926 The Road to Glory【默片】

1926 Fig Leaves【默片】

1927 The Cradle Snatchers【默片】

1927 Paid to Love【默片】

1928 A Girl in Every Port【默片】

1928 Fazil【默片】

1929 The Air Circus

1929 Trent's Last Case【默片】

1930 黎明偵察 (The Dawn Patrol)

1931 The Criminal Code

1932 疤面人 (Scarface)

1932 The Crowd Roars

1932 La Foule Hurle

1932 Tiger Shark

1933 Today We Live

1933 The Prizefighter and the Lady

1934 Viva Villa!

1934 Twentieth Century

1935 Barbary Coast

1936 青空無際 (Ceiling Zero)

1936 The Road to Glory

1936 Come and Get It

1938 育嬰奇譚 (Bringing Up Baby)

1939 天空之翼 (Only Angels Have Wings)

1940 His Girl Friday

1941 神鎗手 (Sergeant York)

1941 字典奇譚 (Ball of Fire)

1943 Air Force

1943 The Outlaw

1943 大西洋之戰 (Corvette K-225)

1944 逃亡 (To Have and Have Not) 

1946 夜長夢多 (The Big Sleep)

1948 紅河虎將 (Red River)

1948 大自然之歌 (A Song Is Born)

1949 戰地姻緣 (I Was a Male War Bride)

1951 魔星下凡 (The Thing from Another World) 【未列名】  

1952 峰火彌天 (The Big Sky) 

1952 錦繡人生 (O. Henry's Full House) 

1952 妙藥春情 (Monkey Business)

1953 紳士愛美人 (Gentlemen Prefer Blondes)

1955 金字塔 (Land of the Pharaohs)

1959 赤胆屠龍 (Rio Bravo)

1962 哈泰利 (Hatari!)

1964 湖畔春曉 (Man's Favorite Sport?)

1965 龍虎大飛車 (Red Line 7000)

1966 龍虎盟 (El Dorado)

1970 猛虎下山 (Rio Lobo)

    霍華赫克斯 (Howard Hawks)

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