維多弗萊明 (Victor Fleming,1889 –1949):美國電影導演、攝影師和製片人。他最受歡迎的作品是《綠野仙踪》和《亂世佳人》,後者為他贏得了奧斯卡最佳導演獎。
1919 當雲匆匆消散時 (When the Clouds Roll by)
1920 The Mollycoddle
1921 Mama's Affair
1921 Woman's Place
1922 The Lane That Had No Turning
1922 Red Hot Romance
1922 Anna Ascends
1923 Dark Secrets
1923 Law of the Lawless
1923 最後一個人 (To the Last Man)
1923 The Call of the Canyon
1924 Code of the Sea
1924 Empty Hands
1925 The Devil's Cargo
1925 Adventure
1925 A Son of His Father
1925 Lord Jim
1926 The Blind Goddess
1926 Mantrap
1927 眾生之路 (The Way of All Flesh)
1927 Hula
1927 狂野騎士 (The Rough Riders)
1928 Abie's Irish Rose
1928 The Awakening
1929 The Wolf Song
1929 The Virginian
1930 Common Clay
1930 Renegades
1932 禁酒風雲 (The Wet Parade)【未列名】
1932 紅塵 (Red Dust)【未列名】
1933 空門遺恨 (The White Sister)【未列名】
1933 金髮炸藥 (Bombshel)【未列名】
1934 金銀島 (Treasure Island)
1935 放蕩進行曲 (Reckless)
1935 農夫娶妻 (The Farmer Takes a Wife)
1937 大地 The Good Earth【未列名】
1937 怒海餘生 (Captains Courageous)
1938 試飛員 (Test Pilot)
1938 翠堤春曉 The Great Waltz(【未列名】
1939 亂世佳人 (Gone with the Wind)
1941 They Dare Not Love 【未列名】
1941 化身博士 (Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde)
1942 薄餅坪 (Tortilla Flat)
1943 A Guy Named Joe
1945 怒海情波 (Adventure)
1948 聖女貞德 (Joan of Arc)