維多利奧狄西嘉 (Vittorio De Sica)            Vittorio De Sica -2            Vittorio De Sica -3 

維多利奧狄西嘉 (Vittorio De Sica1901–1974)義大利導演和演員。是電影史上一位相當重要的導演。四度獲得奧斯卡獎:《擦鞋童》和《單車失竊記》獲得奧斯卡特別獎,《昨日今日明日》和《費尼茲花園》獲得奧斯卡最佳外語片獎。演《戰地春夢》(A Farewell to Arms1957)獲得奧斯卡最佳男配角獎提名。


1940 紅薔薇 (Rose scarlatte)

1940 Maddalena... zero in condotta (Maddalena, Zero for Conduct)

1941 Teresa Venerd (Do You Like Women, Doctor Beware)

1942 Un garibaldino al convento (A Garibaldian in the Convent)

1944 孩子們在看 (I bambini ci guardano / The Children Are Watching Us)

1945 La porta del cielo (The Gate of Heaven)

1946 擦鞋童 (Sciuscià / Shoeshine)

1948 Cuore (Heart, Heart and Soul)

1948 單車失窃記 (Ladri di biciclette)

1951 凡海慈航 (Miracolo a Milano)

1952 風燭淚 (Umberto D.)

1953 Villa Borghese (It Happened in the Park)

1953 終站 (Terminal Station)

1954 波里的黃金 (The Gold of Naples / L'oro di Napoli)

1956 屋頂 (Il Tetto / The Roof)

1958 Anna di Brooklyn (Anna of Brooklyn / Fast and Sexy)

1961 烽火母女淚 (Two Women)

1961 Il Giudizio universale (The Last Judgement)

1962 萬劫餘生情海恨 (I sequestrati di Altona / The Condemned of Altona)

1962 三豔 (Boccaccio '70)

1963 Il Boom

1963 昨日今日明日(Ieri, oggi, domani)

1964 啼笑姻緣 (Marriage Italian Style)

1966 Un monde nouveau (A New World)

1966 怪賊飛天狐 (After the Fox)

1967 七段情 (Sette Volte Donna)

1967 Le streghe (The Witches)

1968 愛情終結 (A Place for Lovers / Le Temps des amants/ Amanti)

1970 向日葵 (I girasoli / Sunflower )

1970 費尼茲花園 (Il Giardino dei Finzi-Contini /The Garden of the Finzi-Continis)

1970 Le Coppie (The Couples)

1972 Lo chiameremo Andrea (We'll Call Him Andrea)

1973 Una Breve vacanza (A Brief Vacation)

1974 旅情 (Il viaggio / The Voyage)


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