路易邁斯東 (Lewis Milestone,1895 –1980)摩爾多瓦(Moldova)裔美國電影導演。執導《兩個阿拉伯武士》和《西線無戰事》贏得奧斯卡最佳導演獎。《犯罪城市》獲得奧斯卡最佳導演獎提名。
1918 The Toothbrush
1918 Posture
1918 Positive
1919 Fit to Win
1925 Seven Sinners
1926 The Caveman
1926 The New Klondike
1927 兩個阿拉伯武士 (Two Arabian Knights)
1928 樂園歸來 (The Garden of Eden)
1928 Tempest
1928 暴力團 The Racket ()
1929 New York Nights
1929 Betrayal
1930 西線無戰事 (All Quiet on the Western Front)
1931 犯罪城市 (The Front Page)
1932 Rain
1933 乞丐的讚美 (Hallelujah, I'm a Bum)
1934 The Captain Hates the Sea
1935 巴黎之春 (Paris in Spring)
1936 桃色的海岸 (Anything Goes)
1936 將軍晨死 (The General Died at Dawn)
1939 人鼠之間 (Of Mice and Men)
1939 The Night of Nights
1940 才子佳人 (Lucky Partners)
1941 My Life with Caroline
1943 Edge of Darkness
1943 反攻浴血戰 (Armored Attack! /The North Star)
1944 Guest in the House
1944 黑龍會陰謀 (The Purple Heart)
1945 白晝進攻 (A Walk in the Sun)
1946 The Strange Love of Martha Ivers
1948 No Minor Vices
1949 紅色小馬 (The Red Pony)
1951 火海浴血戰 (Halls of Montezuma)
1952 Kangaroo
1953 歌衫淚痕 (Melba)
1954 They Who Dare
1955 La Vedova X
1960 十一羅漢 (Ocean's 11)