歐尼斯鮑寧 (Ernest Borgnine,1917 –2012):美國電影和電視演員,演藝生涯長達60多年。以《馬蒂》贏得奧斯卡最佳男主角獎。近年來作品大多於電視圈,例如為動畫《海綿寶寶》擔任配音工作。
1951 中國海盜 (China Corsair)
1951 The Whistle at Eaton Falls
1951 The Mob
1953 亂世忠魂 (From Here to Eternity)
1953 The Stranger Wore a Gun
1954 聖徒妖姬 (Demetrius and the Gladiators)
1954 龍虎干戈 (Vera Cruz)
1955 黑巖喋血記 (Bad Day at Black Rock)
1955 馬蒂 (Marty)
1955 狂奔 (Run for Cover)
1955 The Square Jungle
1956 遠走高飛 (Jubal)
1956 之子于歸 (The Catered Affair)
1956 舞台春色 (The Best Things in Life Are Free)
1956 海軍共諜案(Three Brave Men)
1958 海盜 (The Vikings)
1958 潛艇驅逐戰 (Torpedo Run)
1959 熱戀 (Summer of the Seventeenth Doll)
1959 The Rabbit Trap
1960 聯邦警探 (Pay or Die)
1961 Il re di Poggioreale (Black City)
1961 I briganti italiani (The Italian Brigands)
1961 情海葬殘花 (Go Naked in the World)
1961 The Last Judgement (Il giudizio universale)
1961 巴拉巴 (Barabbas)
1964 McHale's Navy
1965 鳳凰劫 (The Flight of the Phoenix)
1966 奥斯卡 (The Oscar)
1967 血洗英雄堡 (Chuka,1967)
1968 The Legend of Lylah Clare
1968 大北極 (Ice Station Zebra)
1968 The Split
1969 我為妳死 (A Bullet for Sandoval)
1970 老爺坦克少爺兵 (Suppose They Gave A War and Nobody Came)
1971 Rain for a Dusty Summer
1971 金鼠王 (Willard)
1971 Bunny O'Hare
1971 大復仇 (Hannie Caulder)
1972 復仇者 /尋仇 (The Revengers)
1972 海神號 (The Poseidon Adventure)
1972 Un uomo dalla pelle dura (Ripped Off / The Boxer)
1973 北帝王 (Emperor of the North Pole)
1973 海龍號 (The Neptune Factor)
1974 今時今日 (Law and Disorder)
1974 星期天的山莊 /惡魔與山莊 (Vengeance Is Mine /Sunday in the Country)
1975 魔鬼雨 (The Devil's Rain)
1975 活躍 (Hustle)
1976 Shoot
1976 愛的約會 (Natale in casa d'appuntamento /Holiday Hookers)
1977 大火燒山 (Fire!)
1977 拳王阿里 (The Greatest)
1978 新乞丐王子 (Crossed Swords;Prince and the Pauper)
1978 大車隊 Convoy
1979 Ravagers
1979 The Double McGuffin
1979 黑洞 (The Black Hole)
1980 大震撼 (When Time Ran Out...)
1980 Super Fuzz
1981 紐約大逃亡 ( Escape from New York)
1981 停止呼吸 (Deadly Blessing)
1981 雜牌敢死隊 (High Risk)
1983 The Graduates of Malibu High (Young Warriors)
1984 野雁突擊隊 (Code Name: Wild Geese)
1985 Man Hunt
1987 Skeleton Coast
1987 The Opponent
1988 The Big Turnaround
1988 Moving Target
1990 Laser Mission
1995 McHale's Navy
1995 千鈞一髮 (Gattaca)
1996 Merlin's Shop of Mystical Wonders
1998 BASEketball
1998 Mel
2004 Blueberry
2006 Frozen Stupid
2007 A Grandpa for Christmas
2008 Strange Wilderness
2009 Another Harvest Moon
2010 The Genesis Code
2012 The Man Who Shook the Hand of Vicente Fernandez