路易斯金 (Louis King,1898 –1962):是導演亨利金(Henry King)的弟弟。美國演員及20世紀20至40年代的電影導演。上世紀50年代,轉執導電視西部片。
1921 The Gun Runners
1928 The Bantam Cowboy
1932 Arm of the Law
1932 The County Fair
1933 Life in the Raw
1934 Bachelor of Arts
1934 Murder in Trinidad
1935 Charlie Chan in Egypt
1936 Bengal Tiger
1937 Bulldog Drummond's Revenge
1937 Bulldog Drummond Comes Back
1938 Tom Sawyer, Detective
1940 The Way of All Flesh
1940 水火島 (Typhoon)
1942 Young America
1943 Chetniks! The Fighting Guerrillas
1945 Thunderhead - Son of Flicka
1946 Smoky
1947 搜兇爭雄記 (Thunder in the Valley / Bob, Son of Battle)
1948 飛龍引鳳 (Green Grass of Wyoming)
1949 Sand
1949 Mrs. Mike
1953 Powder River
1953 Sabre Jet