斯圖亞特海斯勒(Stuart Heisler,1896 – 1979):美國電影和電視導演。他的作品《Tulsa》(1949)曾獲得奧斯卡最佳視覺效果獎提名。
1936 Straight from the Shoulder
1937 狂風暴雨 (The Hurricane)【未列名】
1940 The Biscuit Eater
1941 The Monster and the Girl
1941 Among the Living
1942 The Glass Key
1944 The Remarkable Andrew
1944 The Negro Soldier
1946 碧雲天 (Blue Skies)
1947 毀滅 (Smash-Up, the Story of a Woman)
1949 Tulsa
1949 Tokyo Joe
1950 噴射的愛情 (Chain Lightning)
1950 Dallas
1951 三K黨 (Storm Warning)
1951 Journey Into Light (Skid Road)
1952 昨日星塵 (The Star)
1954 血戰橋頭堡 (Beachhead)
1954 This Is My Love
1955 I Died a Thousand Times
1956 The Lone Ranger
1956 血濺火焰山(The Burning Hills)
1962 獨裁者 (Hitler)