羅伊羅蘭德(Roy Rowland,1910 –1995)美國電影導演。最初執導短片,1943年開始執導劇情片。1950年代和60年代執導多部影片。60年代中期,退休前,執導了三部義大利西部片。
1943 A Stranger in Town
1943 Lost Angel
1945 Our Vines Have Tender Grapes
1946 Boys' Ranch
1947 The Romance of Rosy Ridge
1947 Killer McCoy
1948 Tenth Avenue Angel
1949 掃穴擒凶 (Scene of the Crime)
1950 彩鸞綺夢 (Two Weeks with Love)
1951 Excuse My Dust
1952 號角齊鳴 (Bugles in the Afternoon)
1953 五千魔指 (The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T)
1953 恨短情長 (Affair with a Stranger)
1953 The Moonlighter
1954 Witness to Murder
1954 義警浴血記 (Rogue Cop)
1955 過關斬將 (Many Rivers to Cross)
1955 碧海春光 (Hit the Deck)
1956 賭城豔遇 (Meet Me in Las Vegas)
1956 放蕩年華 (These Wilder Years)
1957 Slander
1957 閃電神鎗俠 (Gun Glory)
1957 春風滿古城 (Seven Hills of Rome)
1963 The Girl Hunters
1964 Gunfighters of Casa Grande
1965 荒野大决鬦 (Sie nannten ihn Gringo /Man Called Gringo)
1966 The Sea Pirate
1966 Il grande colpo di Surcouf