李麗薇 (Lee Remick,1935 –1991) 美國演員,演《相見時難別亦難》獲得奧斯卡最佳女主角提名。《登龍一夢》是處女作,為人熟知的作品有:《狂流春醒》、《大偵探》、《天魔》、《The Europeans》等。
1957 登龍一夢 (A Face in the Crowd)
1958 夏日春情 (The Long, Hot Summer)
1959 萬水千山 (These Thousand Hills)
1959 桃色血案 (Anatomy of a Murder)
1960 狂流春醒 (Wild River)
1961 Sanctuary
1962 天字號聯邦調查員 (Experiment in Terror)
1962 相見時難別亦難 (Days of Wine and Roses)
1963 分床記 (The Wheeler Dealers)
1965 何處是歸程 (Baby the Rain Must Fall)
1965 邊塞爭雄記 (The Hallelujah Trail)
1968 一雙血手 (No Way to Treat a Lady)
1968 大偵探 (The Detective)
1969 Hard Contract
1970 Loot
1970 A Severed Head
1970 永不讓步 (Sometimes A Great Notion)
1973 A Delicate Balance
1974 Touch Me Not
1975 Hennessy
1976 天魔 (The Omen)
1977 諜海大風暴 (Telefon)
1978 The Medusa Touch
1979 The Europeans
1980 旗鼓相當 (The Competition)
1980 父子情深 (Tribute)
1986 Emma's War