范強生(Van Johnson,1916 – 2008):美國電影和電視演員和舞者。以「鄰家男孩」型像,走紅於上世紀的40年代和50年代。
1940 Too Many Girls【未列名】
1942 Murder in the Big House
1942 我會找到你 (Somewhere I'll Find You)
1942 The War Against Mrs. Hadley
1943 The Human Comedy
1943 Pilot #5
1943 居禮夫人 (Madame Curie)
1943 A Guy Named Joe
1944 Two Girls and a Sailo
1944 The White Cliffs of Dover
1944 轟炸東京記 (Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo)
1945 芙蓉春色 (Thrill of a Romance)
1945 瓊樓風月 (Week-End at the Waldorf)
1946 銀漢笙歌 (Till The Clouds Roll By)
1947 浮生夢痕 / 血海情鴛 (High Barbaree)
1947 The Romance of Rosy Ridge
1948 The Bride Goes Wild
1948 聯邦一州 (State of the Union)
1949 In the Good Old Summertime
1949 西線平魔 (Battleground)
1950 The Big Hangover
1951 Go for Broke!
1951 彩鳳瑶琴(Too Young to Kiss)
1952 Invitation
1952 When in Rome
1952 Washington Story
1952 怒海雄風 (Plymouth Adventure)
1953 Remains to Be Seen
1953 出水嫦娥 (Easy to Love)
1954 航艦戰鬥夫人號 (Men of the Fighting Lady)
1954 蓬島仙舞 (Brigadoon)
1954 魂斷巴黎 (The Last Time I Saw Paris)
1955 巫山夢斷腸 (The End of the Affair)
1956 難兄難弟 (The Bottom of the Bottle)
1956 Miracle in the Rain
1956 盲人破巨案 (23 Paces to Baker Street)
1957 凱莉與我 (Kelly and Me)
1957 Slander
1957 餓虎撲羊 (Action of the Tiger)
1959 Web of Evidence
1967 美國式離婚 (Divorce American Style)
1968 Where Angels Go Trouble Follows!
1968 歡樂滿堂 (Yours, Mine and Ours)
1969 血洒卐旗 (La battaglia d'Inghilterra /Eagles Over London)
1969 Il prezzo del potere (The Price of Power)
1979 Da Corleone a Brooklyn
1985 The Purple Rose of Cairo
1988 Taxi Killer
1992 Three Days to a Kill