莎莉瓊絲(Shirley Jones,1934 –):美國舞台、電影和電視的歌手和演員。在她的六十年演藝事業中,以孽海痴魂(Elmer Gantry)獲得奧斯卡最佳女配角獎。為人熟知的電視演出為《歡樂滿人間》(The Partridge Family)影集。
1955 奧克拉荷馬之戀 (Oklahoma!)
1956 天上人間 (Carousel)
1957 四月薔薇處處開 (April Love)
1959 Never Steal Anything Small
1959 Bobbikins
1960 孽海痴魂(Elmer Gantry)
1960 小人物狂想史 (Pepe)
1962 歡樂音樂妙無窮 (The Music Man)
1963 選妻記 (The Courtship of Eddie's Father)
1963 飛天小老爺 (A Ticklish Affair)
1964 瓊樓春夢 (Dark Purpose)
1964 風流客 (Bedtime Story)
1965 Fluffy
1965 The Secret of My Success
1969 El golfo
1969 大團圓 (The Happy Ending)
1970 The Cheyenne Social Club
1979 海神號續集 (Beyond the Poseidon Adventure)
1984 打落門牙和血吞 (Tank)
1998 Gideon
2000 Ping!
2000 The Adventures of Cinderella's Daughter
2002 Manna from Heaven
2004 Raising Genius
2006 賴家宅男 (Grandma's Boy)
2006 The Creature of the Sunny Side Up Trailer Park
2009 Generic Thriller
2013 爸媽被我綁架了Family Weekend
2013 A Strange Brand of Happy
2014 Waiting in the Wings: The Musical
2015 On the Wing