狄娜碧嘉 (Diane Baker,1938):美國演員及製作人。.
1959 安妮少女日記 (The Diary of Anne Frank)
1959 冷暖群芳 (The Best of Everything)
1959 地心探險記 (Journey to the Center of the Earth)
1960 寶城福星 (The Wizard of Baghdad)
1960 Tess of the Storm Country
1962 天涯遊子淚 (Adventures of a Young Man)
1962 決死雄師 (The 300 Spartans)
1963 拉碼九小時 (Nine Hours to Rama)
1963 春殘魂斷 (Stolen Hours)
1963 獎 (The Prize)
1964 Sands of Beersheba
1964 Strait-Jacket
1964 艷賊 (Marnie)
1964 Della
1965 諜網迷離 (Mirage)
1966 蓬車英雄傳 (The Dangerous Days of Kiowa Jones)【電視影片】
1968 The Horse in the Gray Flannel Suit
1968 火雷破山海 (Krakatoa, East of Java)
1972 Stigma
1976 Baker's Hawk
1980 The Pilot
1990 The Closer
1991 沉默的羔羊 (The Silence of the Lambs)
1993 Twenty Bucks
1993 喜福會 (The Joy Luck Club)
1994 親情永在 (Imaginary Crimes)
1995 網路上身 (The Net)
1996 王牌特派員 (The Cable Guy)
1996 火線勇氣 (Courage Under Fire)
1997 1600火線悍將 (Murder at 1600)
2000 危機密布 (Harrison's Flowers)
2002 On the Roof
2003 歌聲滿人間 (A Mighty Wind)
2005 繼承者 (The Keeper The Legend Of Omar Khayyam)
2008 Harrison Montgomery