
       傑夫陳德勒 (Jeff Chandler)         Jeff Chandler -2         Jeff Chandler -3

傑夫陳德勒(Jeff Chandler1918 – 1961):美國演員、電影製片人和歌手。是20世紀50年代最受歡迎的男星之一,演《折箭為盟》獲得競逐奧斯卡最佳男配角獎提名。


1945  芙蓉春色 (Thrill of a Romance)

1947  Johnny O'Clock

1947  The Invisible Wall

1947  Roses Are Red

1949  Mr. Belvedere Goes to College

1949  Sword in the Desert

1949  Abandoned

1950  折箭為盟 (Broken Arrow)

1950  Deported

1950  西部兩面旗 (Two Flags West)

1951  天堂幻鳥(Bird of Paradise)

1951  濠江梟血 (Smuggler's Island)

1951  Iron Man

1951  歌王情霸 (Meet Danny Wilson)【未列名】

1951  Flame of Araby

1952  血戰葫蘆關 (The Battle at Apache Pass)

1952  Red Ball Express

1952  黑海盜 (Yankee Buccaneer)

1952  Because of You

1953  The Great Sioux Uprising

1953  East of Sumatra

1953  War Arrow

1954  高器之子 (Taza, Son of Cochise)【未列名】

1954  金殿劫美 (Yankee Pasha)

1954  古羅馬之戰 (Sign of the Pagan)

1955  狐火 (Foxfire)

1955  Female on the Beach

1955  The Spoilers

1956  玩具老虎 (The Toy Tiger)

1956  海上揚威 (Away All Boats)

1956  笳聲動天地 (Pillars of the Sky)

1957  Drango

1957  The Tattered Dress

1957  擒賊擒王 (Man in the Shadow)

1957  一代香妃 (Jeanne Eagels)

1958  龍鳳雙飛 (The Lady Takes a Flyer)

1958  Raw Wind in Eden

1959  孤孀情淚 (A Stranger in My Arms)

1959  炎陽雷 (Thunder in the Sun)

1959  劫後英魂 (Ten Seconds To Hell)

1959  流寇 (The Jayhawkers!)

1960  The Plunderers

1961  A Story of David (A Story of David: The Hunted)

1961  冷暖小天堂 (Return to Peyton Place)

1962  視死如歸 (Merrill's Marauders) 

    傑夫陳德勒 (Jeff Chandler)
    創作者 佳銘的管窺與管見 的頭像


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