奧遜威爾斯(Orson Welles,1915 – 1985):美國劇院、電台和電影的演員、導演、劇作和製片。最著名作品有:1937年的舞台劇《Caesa》,1938年的廣播劇《The War of the Worlds》,1941年的電影《大國民》等。《大國民》被認為是史上最偉大電影之一。
1934 The Hearts of Age【短片】
1938 Too Much Johnson
1941 大國民 (Citizen Kane)
1943 Journey Into Fear
1943 簡愛 (Jane Eyre)
1944 Follow the Boys
1946 Tomorrow Is Forever
1946 陌生人(The Stranger)
1947 上海小姐 (The Lady from Shanghai)
1948 馬克白 (Macbeth)
1949 黑魔王 (Black Magic)【未列名】
1949 黑獄亡魂 (The Third Man)
1950 黑玫瑰 (The Black Rose)
1951 奥賽羅 (The Tragedy of Othello: The Moor of Venice / Othello)
1952 Trent's Last Case
1953 L'uomo, la bestia e la virtù
1954 Si Versailles m'était conté (Royal Affairs in Versailles)
1955 Three Cases of Murder
1955 拿破崙一生 (Napoléon)
1955 Mr. Arkadin (Confidential Report)
1956 怒海斬白鯨 (Moby Dick)
1957 擒賊擒王 (Man in the Shadow)
1958 夏日春情 (The Long, Hot Summer)
1958 歷刼佳人 (Touch of Evil)
1958 荒漠天堂 (The Roots of Heaven)
1959 朱門孽種 (Compulsion)
1959 港澳輪渡 (Ferry to Hong Kong)
1960 大衛王 (David e Golia)
1960 破鏡驚魂 (Crack in the Mirror)
1960 Austerlitz (The Battle of Austerlitz)
1961 美國獨立戰爭 (La Fayette / Lafayette)
1961 北國雙雄 (I Tartari)
1962 審判 (Le procès / The Trial)
1963 帕戈羅格 (Ro.Go.Pa.G.)
1963 一代情侶 (The V.I.P.s)
1965 La fabuleuse aventure de Marco Polo ( Marco the Magnificent)
1965 夜半鐘聲 (Falstaff /Chimes at Midnight)
1966 良相佐國 (A Man for All Seasons)
1967 The Sailor from Gibraltar
1967 回首黃梁夢 (I'll Never Forget What's'isname)
1968 伊底帕斯王 (Oedipus the King)
1969 革命萬歲 (Tepepa)
1969 The Southern Star
1969 Bitka na Neretvi (The Battle on the River Neretva)
1970 鐵幕來鴻 (The Kremlin Letter)
1970 二十二支隊 (Catch-22)
1970 滑鐵盧戰役 (Waterloo)
1970 The Deep
1971 Malpertuis
1972 Treasure Island
1973 蘇捷斯卡戰役 (Sutjeska / The Battle of Sutjeska)
1976 海上驚魂三十天 (Voyage of the Damned)
1980 Tajna Nikole Tesle (The Secret Life of Nikola Tesla)
1982 Butterfly
1983 Hot Money
1984 Where Is Parsifal?
1987 Someone to Love
1938 Too Much Johnson
1941 大國民 (Citizen Kane)
1942 偉大安巴遜 (The Magnificent Ambersons)
1943 Journey Into Fear【未列名】
1946 陌生人(The Stranger)
1947 上海小姐 (The Lady from Shanghai)【未列名】
1948 馬克白 (Macbeth)
1949 黑魔王 (Black Magic)【未列名】
1951 奥賽羅 (Othello)
1955 Three Cases of Murder【未列名】
1955 Confidential Report
1958 歷刼佳人 (Touch of Evil)
1960 大衛王 (David e Golia)【未列名】
1962 No Exit (Sinners Go to Hell)
1962 審判 (Le procès / The Trial)
1965 Falstaff (Chimes at Midnight)
1969 The Southern Star【未列名】
1970 The Deep