勃拉福特爾曼(Bradford Dillman,1930 –):美國演員和作家。
1959 朱門孽種 (Compulsion)
1960 破鏡驚魂 (Crack in the Mirror)
1960 諜網突擊戰 (Circle of Deception)
1961 Sanctuary
1961 聖法蘭斯傳 (Francis of Assisi)
1965 風流情孽 (A Rage to Live)
1966 The Plainsman
1968 Jigsaw
1968 The Helicopter Spies
1969 雷瑪根鐵橋 (The Bridge at Remagen)
1970 老爺坦克少爺兵 (Suppose They Gave a War and Nobody Came?)
1971 強風吹來時 (Brother John)
1971 Escape from the Planet of the Apes
1973 往日情懷 (The Way We Were)
1973 冰人來了 (The Iceman Cometh)
1974 九死一生 (99 and 44/100% Dead)
1974 鐵金剛猛破黃金黨(Gold)
1975 人蟲孽緣 (Bug)
1976 全面追捕令 (The Enforcer)
1977 The Lincoln Conspiracy
1977 荷京喋血(The Amsterdam Kill)
1978 狂蜂末日 (The Swarm)
1978 食人魚 (Piranha)
1979 火爆猛金剛 (Love and Bullets)
1979 Guyana: Crime of the Century (Guyana: Cult of the Damned)
1980 殺氣衝天 (Running Scared)
1983 撥雲見日 (Sudden Impact)
1985 Treasure of the Amazon
1987 Man Outside
1989 決戰無底洞 (Lords of the Deep)
1989 Heroes Stand Alone