葉鳳黛卡洛(Yvonne De Carlo,1922 –2007):加拿大裔美國女演員、舞者和歌手。在20世紀40年代和50年代,是著名的好萊塢電影明星。六十年的影劇生涯演出120餘部影片。
1941 Harvard, Here I Come!【未列名】
1941 劊子手 /職業鎗手 (This Gun for Hire)【未列名】
1942 荒漠迷宮 (Road to Morocco)【未列名】
1942 Rhythm Parade【未列名】
1943 戰地鐘聲 (For Whom the Bell Tolls)【未列名】
1943 火線英雌 (So Proudly We Hail)【未列名】
1943 The Deerslayer
1943 True to Life【未列名】
1944 Standing Room Only【未列名】
1944 跨海平魔 (The Story of Dr. Wassell)【未列名】
1944 富貴榮華/平地青雲 (Kismet)【未列名】
1944 彩虹島 (Rainbow Island)【未列名】
1944 海軍之花 (Here Come the Waves)【未列名】
1944 Practically Yours【未列名】
1945 Bring on the Girls【未列名】
1945 莎樂美 (Salome Where She Danced)
1947 六宮粉黛 (Song of Scheherazade)
1947 血濺虎頭門 (Brute Force)
1947 臙脂奴 (Slave Girl)
1948 舞衫騎塵 (Black Bart)
1948 禁城毒蕊 (Casbah)
1948 銀河艷后 (River Lady)
1949 Criss Cross
1949 妖姬傾城 (The Gal Who Took the West)
1950 波宮春色 (The Desert Hawk)
1951 碧血紅羽 (Tomahawk)
1951 春滿蘭宮 (Hotel Sahara)
1951 銀城尤物 (Silver City)
1952 多情天使 (Scarlet Angel)
1952 鬧海群龍 (Hurricane Smith)
1953 七海嬋娟 (Sea Devils)
1953 艷陽春色 (Sombrero)
1953 風流船主 (The Captain's Paradise)
1954 智勇鎮邊城 (Border River)
1954 La contessa di Castiglione (The Contessa's Secret)
1954 Passion
1955 追擊 (Shotgun)
1955 魔火神曲 (Magic Fire)
1956 Flame of the Islands
1956 十誡 (The Ten Commandments)
1956 無賴漢之死 (Death of a Scoundrel)
1957 金漢豔奴 (Band of Angels)
1958 北菲喋血記 (Timbuktu)
1958 寶劍美人 (La spada e la croce)
1963 馴妻記 (McLintock!)
1964 虎胆英雄 (Law of the Lawless)
1966 怪胎一族歷險記 (Munster, Go Home!)
1967 Hostile Guns
1968 The Power
1970 The Delta Factor
1971 The Seven Minutes
1975 It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time
1979 The Silent Scream
1980 The Man with Bogart's Face
1982 Liar's Moon
1985 Flesh and Bullets
1988 American Gothic
1990 Mirror Mirror
1991 Oscar
1993 Seasons of the Heart