華德龐特 (Ward Bond,1903 – 1960):美國影視演員。演出270餘部影片,包括近百部未列名的演出。熟知的演出為《風雲人物》(It's a Wonderful Life,1946)、搜索者 (The Searchers) 和電視影集《蓬車英雄傳》(Wagon Train,1957 – 1960)等。
1928 Noah's Ark【未列名】
1929 Salute
1932 The Trial of Vivienne Ware
1932 Virtue
1933 Heroes for Sale
1933 The Fighting Code
1934 一夜風流 (It Happened One Night)【未列名】
1934 The Poor Rich
1935 執法鐵漢('G' Men)【未列名】
1935 His Night Out
1935 Three Kids and a Queen
1935 Hitch Hike Lady
1937 死結 (Dead End)
1938 馬可孛羅東遊記 (The Adventures of Marco Polo)【未列名】
1938 Reformatory
1938 化身大盜 (The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse)
1939 They Made Me a Criminal
1939 熱血男兒 (Dodge City)
1939 鐵馬 (Union Pacific)
1939 少年林肯 (Young Mr. Lincoln)
1939 風流奇俠傳 (Return of the Cisco Kid)
1939 戰鼓齊天 (Drums Along the Mohawk)
1939 亂世佳人 (Gone with the Wind)
1940 怒火之花 / 憤怒的葡萄 (The Grapes of Wrath)
1940 Buck Benny Rides Again
1940 The Mortal Storm
1940 水手夫人 (Sailor's Lady)
1940 勇冠三軍(Kit Carson)
1940 光榮之都 (City for Conquest)【未列名】
1940 The Long Voyage Hom
1940 聖非小路 (Santa Fe Trail)
1941 神鎗手 (Sergeant York)
1941 The Shepherd of the Hills
1941 梟巢喋血戰(The Maltese Falcon)
1941 荒沼沉冤 (Swamp Water)
1942 Sin Town
1942 粉面金剛 (Gentleman Jim)
1943 Hello Frisco, Hello
1943 A Guy Named Joe
1944 The Sullivans
1944 故鄉情濃 (Home in Indiana)
1944 豪俠蕩寇 (Tall in the Saddle)
1945 They Were Expendable
1946 三岔口(My Darling Clementine)
1946 風雲人物 (It's a Wonderful Life)
1947 血戰保山河 (Unconquered)
1947 烈士血 / 逃亡者(The Fugitive)
1948 要塞風雲 (Fort Apache)
1948 血戰山河 (Tap Roots)
1948 聖女貞德 (Joan of Arc)
1948 荒漠義俠 (3 Godfathers)
1950 游俠西征 / 原野神駒 (Wagon Master)
1950 虎穴煞星 (Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye)
1951 草澤双雄 (The Great Missouri Raid)
1951 On Dangerous Ground
1952 血戰虎門關 (Hellgate)
1952 雷鳥兵團 (Thunderbirds)
1953 狂吹 (Blowing Wild)
1953 蠻國戰笳聲 (Hondo)
1954 Gypsy Colt
1954 The Bob Mathias Story
1955 西點軍魂 (The Long Gray Line)
1955 金鎗獨行俠 (A Man Alone)
1956 搜索者 (The Searchers)
1956 笳聲動天地 (Pillars of the Sky)
1957 牧野恩仇 (The Halliday Brand)
1957 碧血濺長空 (The Wings of Eagles)
1958 飛虎嬌娃 (China Doll)
1959 赤胆屠龍 (Rio Bravo)
1959 荒唐雙鎗俠 (Alias Jesse James)【未列名】