華德白利南(Walter Brennan,1894 –1974):美國電影演員,曾演出240餘部影片。四度提名奧斯卡最佳男配角獎,獲得三次。
1925 Webs of Steel【未列名】
1926 Watch Your Wife
1927 Blake of Scotland Yard【未列名】
1928 The Ballyhoo Buster
1929 The Long, Long Trail 1930
1930 爵士之王 (King of Jazz)
1931 Grief Street
1932 Speed Madness
1933 Strange People
1934 Half a Sinner
1935 Man on the Flying Trapeze
1935 北非海岸 (Barbary Coast)
1936 Three Godfathers
1936 三人行 (These Three)
1936 憤怒 (Fury)
1936 大自然的凱歌 (Come and Get It)【獲得奧斯卡最佳男配角獎】
1937 She's Dangerous
1938 Kentucky【獲得奧斯卡最佳男配角獎】
1938 湯姆歷險記 (The Adventures of Tom Sawyer)
1938 牛郎織女 (The Cowboy and the Lady)
1939 The Story of Vernon and Irene Castle
1939 They Shall Have Music
1939 蕩寇誌 (Stanley and Livingstone)
1939 Joe and Ethel Turp Call on the President
1940 百勝雄師 (Northwest Passage)
1940 草莽英雄 (The Westerner)【獲得奧斯卡最佳男配角獎】
1941 群眾 (Meet John Doe)
1941 神鎗手 (Sergeant York)【提名奧斯卡最佳男配角獎】
1941 荒沼沉冤 (Swamp Water)
1942 國族之光 (The Pride of the Yankees)
1942 跨海征東 (Stand by for Action)
1943 Hangmen Also Die!
1944 故鄉情濃 (Home in Indiana)
1944 Nice Girl?
1944 逃亡 / 禁海情劫 (To Have and Have Not)
1944 新鏡花緣 (The Princess and the Pirate)
1945 Dakota
1946 姊妹花 (A Stolen Life)
1946 三岔口(My Darling Clementine)
1946 Nobody Lives Forever
1947 Driftwood
1948 紅河虎將 (Red River)
1948 月宮浴血 (Blood on the Moon)
1949 Brimstone
1949 艦隊殲倭記 (Task Force)
1950 西遊記 (A Ticket to Tomahawk)
1950 荒唐大俠 (Curtain Call at Cactus Creek)
1951 木蘭遠征 (Along the Great Divide)
1952 Return of the Texan
1952 Lure of the Wilderness
1953 Sea of Lost Ships
1954 邊河戰鼓聲 (Drums Across the River)
1955 黑巖喋血記 (Bad Day at Black Rock)
1955 斷魂槍 (At Gunpoint)
1956 Come Next Spring
1956 Good-bye, My Lady
1957 黃金之路 (The Way to the Gold)
1957 玉女黛蜜 (Tammy and the Bachelor)
1959 赤胆屠龍 (Rio Bravo)
1962 西部開拓史 (How the West Was Won)
1966 奥斯卡金像獎 (The Oscar)
1967 The Gnome-Mobile
1967 Who's Minding the Mint?
1968 The One and Only, Genuine, Original Family Band
1969 單鎗匹馬 (Support Your Local Sheriff)
1975 Smoke in the Wind