詹姆斯柯本 (James Coburn,1928 – 2002):美國影視演員。影視生涯45年,演出70餘部電影,100次電視演出。以《苦難》(Affliction,1997)贏得奧斯卡最佳男配角獎。
1959 單騎屠龍 (Ride Lonesome
1959 Face of a Fugitiv
1960 豪勇七蛟龍 (The Magnificent Seven)
1962 突擊魔鬼嶺 / 地獄英雄 (Hell Is for Heroes)
1963 謎中謎 (Charade)
1963 The Man from Galveston
1964 丁副官 (The Americanization of Emily)
1965 鄧迪少校 (Major Dundee)
1965 海賊大將 (A High Wind in Jamaica)
1965 The Loved One
1966 諜報飛龍 (Our Man Flint)
1966 戰地飛龍 /異想天開大逃亡(What Did You Do in the War, Daddy?)
1966 Dead Heat on a Merry-Go-Round
1967 Waterhole #3
1967 The President's Analyst
1968 Duffy
1968 迷幻甜心 (Candy)
1969 Hard Contract
1970 Last of the Mobile Hot Shots
1971 革命怪客 (Giù la testa)
1972 The Carey Treatment
1972 屠牛士 (The Honkers)
1972 Una ragione per vivere e una per morire (A Reason to Live, a Reason to Die)
1973 比利小子 (Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid)
1973 勾魂遊戲(The Last of Sheila)
1973 Harry in Your Pocket
1974 The Internecine Project
1975 咬緊子彈 (Bite the Bullet)
1975 Hard Times
1975 Jackpo
1976 Sky Riders
1976 生死鬥 (The Last Hard Men)
1976 中途島 (Midway)
1977 鐵十字勳章 (Cross of Iron)
1978 加州套房 (California Suite)
1979 火力 (Firepower)
1979 Goldengirl
1980 The Baltimore Bullet
1980 兩個老公妙妙妙(Loving Couples)
1980 Mr. Patman
1981 雜牌敢死隊 (High Risk)
1981 Looker
1985 Martin's Day
1986 Death of a Soldier
1989 rain to Heaven
1990 少壯屠龍陣2 (Young Guns II)
1991 終極神鷹 (Hudson Hawk)
1992 超級大玩家 (The Player)
1993 The Hit List
1993 Deadfall
1993 修女也瘋狂2 (Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit)
1994 超級王牌 (Maverick)
1995 The Set Up
1996 The Disappearance of Kevin Johnson
1996 魔鬼毀滅者 (Eraser)
1996 隨身變 (The Nutty Professor)
1997 全面通緝 (Keys to Tulsa)
1997 苦難 (Affliction)
1999 危險人物 (Payback)【未列名】
2000 Intrepid
2001 叛獄大逃亡 (Proximity)
2001 The Man from Elysian Fields
2002 冰狗任務 (Snow Dogs)
2002 American Gun