勞勃孔敏士(Robert Cummings / Bob Cummings,1910 – 1990):美國電影和電視演員,曾演出百餘部。
1933 沙漠之子 (Sons of the Desert)【未列名】
1935 薔薇何故紅(So Red the Rose)
1936 Three Cheers for Love
1936 The Accusing Finger
1936 Hideaway Girl
1937 瑪德里末次車 (The Last Train from Madrid)
1937 Souls at Sea
1938 You and Me
1938 I Stand Accused
1939 荳蔻年華/三朵花 (Three Smart Girls Grow Up)
1939 The Under-Pup
1940 春到人間 (Spring Parade)
1940 One Night in the Tropics
1941 佳耦天成 (Free and Easy)
1941 蓮花仙子 (The Devil and Miss Jones)
1941 美月琪花 (Moon Over Miami)
1941 美鳳奪鸞 (It Started with Eve)
1942 金石盟 (Kings Row)
1942 海角擒凶 (Saboteur)
1942 Between Us Girls
1943 一世與一天 (Forever and a Dayy)
1943 Flesh and Fantasy
1943 公主想飛 (Princess O'Rourke)
1945 You Came Along
1946 The Chase
1947 Heaven Only Knows
1947 情書疑雲/香箋艶異 (The Lost Moment)
1948 Sleep, My Love
1949 The Accused
1949 恐怖時代 (Reign of Terror)
1949 Free for All
1950 Paid in Full
1950 For Heaven's Sake
1951 The Barefoot Mailman
1952 The First Time
1953 Marry Me Again
1954 瑤池鳳舞 (Lucky Me)
1954 電話情殺案 (Dial M for Murder)
1955 驚鳳攀龍 (How to Be Very, Very Popular)
1962 我與藝妓 (My Geisha)
1963 海濱狂戀 (Beach Party)
1964 傻女十八嫁 (What a Way to Go!)
1966 芳鄰良緣 (Promise Her Anything)
1966 驛馬車 (Stagecoach)
1967 Five Golden Dragon