拜倫哈斯金 (Byron Haskin,1899 – 1984):美國電影和電視導演。曾執導39部影片。
1927 Matinee Ladies
1927 Irish Hearts
1927 Ginsberg the Great
1927 The Siren
1943 血戰大西洋 / 73艦隊潛艇戰 (Action in the North Atlantic)【未列名】
1947 I Walk Alone
1948 Man-Eater of Kumaon
1949 Too Late for Tears
1950 金銀島 (Treasure Island)
1951 泰山遇險 (Tarzan's Peril)
1951 Warpath
1951 銀城尤物 (Silver City)
1952 鐵馬金鎗 (Denver and Rio Grande)
1953 地球爭霸戰 (The War of the Worlds)
1954 His Majesty O'Keefe
1954 金銀島奇俠傳 (Long John Silver)
1956 最初的德克薩斯人 (The First Texan)
1956 The Boss
1958 From the Earth to the Moon
1959 The Little Savage
1959 Jet Over the Atlantic
1960 九月暴風雨 (September Storm)
1961 Armored Command
1963 魔心塔 (Captain Sindbad)
1964 火星漂流記 (Robinson Crusoe on Mars)
1968 The Power