
   蓋麥迪遜 (Guy Madison)    Guy Madison -2    Guy Madison -3

蓋麥迪遜(Guy Madison1922 – 1996)美國電影和電視演員。


1944  自君別後 (Since You Went Away)

1946  Till the End of Time

1947  Honeymoon

1948  Texas, Brooklyn & Heaven

1949  Massacre River

1951  Drums in the Deep South

1952  Red Snow

1953  血戰羽毛河 (The Charge at Feather River)

1954  騎兵肉搏戰 (The Command)

1955  奇襲夜總會 (5 Against the House)

1955  虎賁將軍 (The Last Frontier)

1956  太空飛虎將 (On the Threshold of Space)

1956  蘭閨怨 (Hilda Crane)

1956  Reprisal!

1957  The Hard Man

1958  Bullwhip

1959  Jet Over the Atlantic

1961  悍將豔奴 (La schiava di Roma)

1961  Rosmunda e Alboino (Sword of the Conqueror)

1962  Le prigioniere dell'isola del diavolo (Women of Devil's Island)

1963  Il boia di Venezia (The Executioner of Venice)

1964  Old Shatterhand

1964  荒野奇俠 (Sfida a Rio Bravo)

1965  Das Vermächtnis des Inka(Legacy of the Incas)

1966  I 5 della vendetta (Five for Revenge)

1967  LSD - Inferno per pochi dollari (LSD Flesh of Devil)

1968  I lunghi giorni dell'odio (Long Days of Hate)

1969  最後坦克 (La battaglia dell'ultimo panzer /The Battle of the Last Panzer)

1969  突擊蓋世堡 (Comando al infierno)

1970  Reverendo Colt (Reverend's Colt)

1974  The Pacific Connection

1978  Where's Willie?

1979  The Hughes Mystery


    蓋麥迪遜 (Guy Madison)
    創作者 佳銘的管窺與管見 的頭像


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