洛麗泰揚 (Loretta Young,1913 – 2000):美國女演員。始於童星,漫長的電影工作(1917至1953),演出百餘部影片。1948年,主演農家女 (The Farmer's Daughter)獲得奧斯卡最佳女主角獎。 1949年,主演《聖女歌聲》(Come to the Stable)提名競逐奧斯卡最佳女主角獎。從1953年到1961年,主持洛麗泰楊影集﹝The Loretta Young Show﹞,三度獲得艾美獎。
1917 Sirens of the Sea
1919 The Only Way
1921 沙漠情酋 (The Sheik)【未列名】
1927 Her Wild Oat【未列名】
1928 笑,小丑,笑 (Laugh, Clown, Laugh)
1928 Scarlet Seas
1929 Seven Footprints to Satan【未列名】
1930 The Man from Blankley's
1930 Show Girl in Hollywood【未列名】
1930 Kismet
1931 Too Young to Marry
1931 Platinum Blonde
1932 計程車 (Taxi!)
1932 Life Begin
1933 Employees' Entrance
1933 Heroes for Sale
1933 Midnight Mary
1933 Man's Castle
1934 The House of Rothschild
1934 Bulldog Drummond Strikes Back
1935 兒女英雄 (Clive of India)
1935 野性的呼喚 (Call of the Wild)
1935 十字軍東征 (The Crusades)
1936 The Unguarded Hour
1936 Private Number
1937 Love Is News
1937 二度蜜月 (Second Honeymoon)
1938 四傑傳 (Four Men and a Prayer)
1938 釣金龜 (Three Blind Mice)
1938 蘇伊士運河 (Suez)
1938 香姝寶島 (Kentucky)
1939 The Story of Alexander Graham Bell
1939 心上人 (Eternally Yours)
1940 香閣藏春 (The Doctor Takes a Wife)
1940 He Stayed for Breakfast
1941 The Men in Her Life
1941 閨中艷事 (Bedtime Story)
1942 A Night to Remember
1943 China
1944 娘子軍征東 (Ladies Courageous)
1944 And Now Tomorrow
1946 陌生人 (The Stranger)
1947 The Perfect Marriage
1947 農家女 (The Farmer's Daughter)
1947 主教之妻 / 仁慈天使(The Bishop's Wife)
1948 陌生情人 / 瑞雪和陌生人 (Rachel and the Stranger)
1949 暴劫 (The Accused)
1949 母女菀 (Mother Is a Freshman)
1949 聖女歌聲 (Come to the Stable)
1951 Cause for Alarm!
1951 Half Angel
1952 Paula
1952 飄鸞紅淚 (Because of You)
1953 It Happens Every Thursday