安妮法蘭茜絲(Anne Francis,1930 – 2011):美國女演員,曾演出168部電影和電視片。較為人知的演出是,科幻電影《禁忌的星球》Forbidden Planet,1956)和電視影集《Honey West》(1965–1966)的女私家偵探。
1947 水蓮公主 (This Time for Keeps)【未列名】
1948 Summer Holiday
1948 風流海盜 (The Pirate)【未列名】
1948 珍妮的畫像 (Portrait of Jennie)【未列名】
1950 So Young So Bad
1951 The Whistle at Eaton Falls
1951 Elopement
1952 烽火佳人 (Lydia Bailey)
1952 Dreamboat
1953 A Lion Is in the Streets
1954 The Rocket Man
1954 義警浴血記 (Rogue Cop)
1955 黑巖喋血記 (Bad Day at Black Rock)
1955 戰地吼聲 (Battle Cry)
1955 黑板森林 (Blackboard Jungle)
1955 紅衣諜影 (The Scarlet Coat)
1956 原子鐵金剛 (Forbidden Planet)
1956 叛諜 (The Rack)
1956 The Great American Pastime
1957 The Hired Gun
1957 近水樓台先得月 (Don't Go Near the Water)
1960 九重天上慶生還 (The Crowded Sky)
1960 Girl of the Night
1965 Brainstorm
1968 妙女郎 (Funny Girl)
1969 More Dead Than Alive
1969 Hook, Line and Sinker
1969 Impasse
1969 The Love God?
1972 Pancho Villa
1976 Survival
1978 Born Again
1985 Return
1990 Little Vegas
1995 Lover's Knot