
    德爾勞勃遜 (Dale Robertson)  Dale Robertson -2  Dale Robertson -3

德爾勞勃遜 (Dale Robertson1923 – 2013)美國電視和電影演員曾演59電影和電視劇經常演溫文的西部英雄。演出的電視影集《Tales of Wells Fargo(1957 – 1962)和《The Iron Horse(1966 – 1968)為人熟悉。


1948  慘綠少年 (The Boy with Green Hair)【未列名】

1949  Flamingo Road【未列名】

1949  The Girl from Jones Beach【未列名】

1949  Fighting Man of the Plains

1950  血戰獨木關 (The Cariboo Trail)

1950  西部兩面旗 (Two Flags West)

1951  稱我先生 (Call Me Mister)

1951  天下父母心 (Take Care of My Little Girl)

1951  Golden Girl

1952  Return of the Texan

1952  The Outcasts of Poker Flat

1952  烽火佳人 (Lydia Bailey)

1952  錦繡人生(O. Henry's Full House)

1953  The Silver Whip

1953  The Farmer Takes a Wife

1953  Devil's Canyon

1953  邊城殲匪記 (City of Bad Men)

1954  The Gambler from Natchez

1954  大地春回 (Sitting Bull)

1955  Top of the World

1955  阿利巴巴之四十女盜 (Son of Sinbad)

1956  A Day of Fury

1956  Dakota Incident

1956  High Terrace

1957  Hell Canyon Outlaws

1958  寡婦之戀 (Anna di Brooklyn / Fast and Sexy)

1964  虎胆英雄 (Law of the Lawless)

1964  血箭大決鬥 (Blood on the Arrow)

1965  Coast of Skeletons

1966  The One Eyed Soldiers

1970  Il segreto dei soldati di argilla (East Connection)

1970  ある兵士の賭け


    德爾勞勃遜 (Dale Robertson)

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