蘇珊史屈拉絲寶 (Susan Strasberg,1938 – 1999):美國舞台、電影和電視演員。曾演出近百部電影和電視片。
1955 瘋狂世界 (The Cobweb)
1955 野宴 (Picnic)
1958 戲國春秋 (Stage Struck)
1960 Kapò
1961 Taste of Fear (Scream of Fear)
1962 Il disordine (Disorder)
1962 天涯遊子淚 (Adventures of a Young Man)
1965 烈日當空 (The High Bright Sun)
1967 Chubasco
1967 The Trip
1968 魔鬼統帥 (Psych-Out)
1968 The Name of the Game Is Kill!
1968 浩劫天倫 / 天倫劫(The Brotherhood)
1969 Le sorelle (The Sisters)
1970 Ternos Caçadores
1972 The Legend of Hillbilly John
1974 So Evil, My Sister
1976 Sammy Somebody
1977 摩天輪大血案 (Rollercoaster)
1977 Tre soldi e la donna di clase
1978 The Manitou
1978 愛上小男人 (In Praise of Older Women)
1981 Bloody Birthday
1983 Sweet 16
1983 The Returning
1986 突擊金三角 (The Delta Force)
1989 The Runnin' Kind
1989 Prime Suspect
1990 Schweitzer
1992 Il giardino dei ciliegi