亞倫貝蒂斯 (Alan Bates,1934 – 2003):英國演員。演出80餘部電影和電視片,亦演舞台劇。演《我無罪 / 頂天立地》 (The Fixer,1968)獲得競逐奧斯卡最佳男主角獎提名。
1956 It's Never Too Late【未列名】
1960 藝人 (The Entertainer)
1961 孩子與強盜 (Whistle Down the Wind)
1962 一夕風流恨事多 (A Kind of Loving)
1963 The Caretaker (The Guest)
1964 Nothing But the Best
1964 希臘左巴 (Zorba the Greek)
1966 喬琪姑娘 (Georgy Girl)
1966 Le roi de coeur (King of Hearts)
1967 瘋狂佳人 (Far from the Madding Crowd)
1968 我無罪 / 頂天立地 (The Fixer)
1969 戀愛中的女人 (Women in Love)
1970 三姐妹 (Three Sisters)
1971 幽情密使(The Go-Between)
1972 A Day in the Death of Joe Egg
1973 Story of a Love Story
1974 Butley
1975 In Celebration
1975 傻俠 (Royal Flash)
1978 不結婚的女人 (An Unmarried Woman)
1978 The Shout
1979 歌聲淚痕 (The Rose)
1980 舞王 (Nijinsky)
1981 Quartet
1981 Rece do góry
1982 軍士返鄉 (The Return of the Soldier)
1982 Britannia Hospital
1983 狼婦 (The Wicked Lady)
1986 怨女春曲 (Duet for One)
1987 恐怖叛徒 (A Prayer for the Dying)
1988 危情叛逆 (We Think the World of You)
1989 Force majeure
1990 沉默的魔鬼 (Mister Frost)
1990 Dr. M
1990 Hamlet
1991 Secret Friends
1993 Silent Tongue
1993 Shuttlecock
1995 The Grotesque (Gentlemen Don't Eat Poets)
1999 櫻桃園 (The Cherry Orchard)
2001 謎霧莊園 (Gosford Park)
2002 天蛾人 (The Mothman Prophecies)
2002 天蛾人 (The Mothman Prophecies)
2002 恐懼的總和 (The Sum of All Fears)
2002 艾芙琳 (Evelyn)
2003 Meanwhile
2003 Hollywood North
2003 The Statement