查爾斯畢克福 (Charles Bickford,1891 – 1967) :以演主要男配角而聞名的美國演員。在1940年代,曾三度提名奧斯卡最佳男配角獎:《聖女之歌》(The Song of Bernadette,1943)、農家女 (The Farmer's Daughter)和《心聲淚影》(Johnny Belinda,1948)。1930年,在《Anna Christie》片中飾演Greta Garbo的情人後,成為明星,但從未成為一線主角。1953年之後,漸漸以電視演出為主
演出的電影 (部分):
1929 South Sea Rose
1929 Dynamite
1929 Hell's Heroes
1930 Anna Christie
1931 Men in Her Life
1932 The Last Man
1932 Vanity Street
1933 Song of the Eagle
1934 Little Miss Marker
1934 A Wicked Woman
1935 East of Java
1936 亂世英傑 (The Plainsman)
1937 Night Club Scandal
1939 Street of Missing Men
1939 One Hour to Live
1939 Of Mice and Men
1939 Thou Shalt Not Kill
1942 野風 (Reap the Wild Wind)
1942 泰山大鬧紐約 (Tarzan’s New York Adventure)
1943 Mr. Lucky
1943 聖女之歌 (The Song of Bernadette)
1944 祈禱者 (Wing and a Prayer)
1945 Fallen Angel
1947 農家女 (The Farmer's Daughter)
1947 血濺虎頭門 (Brute Force)
1948 西部四霸天(Four Faces West)
1948 心聲淚影 (Johnny Belinda)
1949 Whirlpool
1950 虎穴藏龍 (Branded)
1951 Jim Thorpe – All-American
1953 The Last Posse
1955 明月冰心照杏林 (Not as a Stranger)
1955 空軍怪傑/軍法會議 (The Court-Martial of Billy Mitchell / One Man Mutiny)
1956 一夜風流 (You Can't Run Away from It)
1957 Mister Cory
1960 恩怨情天(The Unforgiven)
1962 相見時難別亦難 (Days of Wine and Roses)
1964 Della
1966 嬌嬌女賭王(A Big Hand for the Little Lady)