安東尼奎爾(Anthony Quayle,1913 -1989) : 英國演員和戲劇導演。演安妮一千日 (Anne of the Thousand Days)獲得奧斯卡金像獎和金球獎提名。
1935 Moscow Nights【未列名】
1938 賣花女(Pygmalion)【未列名】
1948 王子復仇 記 (Hamlet)
1948 英雄難過美人關 (Saraband for Dead Lovers / Saraband)
1949 Train of Events【未列名】
1955 Oh... Rosalinda!!
1956 大西洋爭霸戰 (The Battle of the River Plate)
1956 伸冤記 (The Wrong Man)
1957 Woman in a Dressing Gown
1957 No Time for Tears
1958 The Man Who Wouldn't Talk
1958 恐怖之砂 (Ice Cold in Alex)
1959 Serious Charge
1959 Tarzan's Greatest Adventure
1960 The Challenge
1961 六壯士 (The Guns of Navarone)
1962 皇艦無敵號 (H.M.S. Defiant /Damn the Defiant!)
1962 阿拉伯的勞倫斯 (Lawrence of Arabia)
1964 大羅馬帝國 (The Fall of the Roman Empire)
1965 飛彈爆炸戰 (Operation Crossbow)
1965 A Study in Terror
1966 國際特攻戰 (The Poppy Is Also a Flower)
1967 Incompreso
1969 Before Winter Comes
1969 安妮一千日 (Anne of the Thousand Days)
1972 性愛寶典 (Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex / But Were Afraid to Ask)
1973 Bequest to the Nation
1974 激情 (The Tamarind Seed)
1976 猛鷹突擊兵團 (The Eagle Has Landed)
1977 2000年大毀滅 (Holocaust 2000 / The Chosen
1979 午夜追殺 (Murder by Decree)
1988 飲者傳奇(La Leggenda del santo bevitore)
1988 Buster
1989 Magdalene
1990 King of the Wind