路易士海華 (Louis Hayward,1909 – 1985) : 約翰尼斯堡出生的英美演員。 海沃德開始在1930年代初期開始在一些英國電影中演出, 1935年進入百老匯。演出《風流世家》(Anthony Adverse,1936)後,影藝生涯開始發展。與愛黛璐碧諾 (Ida Lupino)的婚姻,也提高了他的知名度。1955年後,以電視演出為主。
演出的電影 (部分) :
1932 Self Made Lady
1935 The Love Test
1935 A Feather in Her Hat
1936 Trouble for Two
1936 風流世家 (Anthony Adverse)
1936 The Luckiest Girl in the World
1938 Midnight Intruder
1938 Condemned Women
1938 The Saint in New York
1938 巴黎尤物 (The Rage of Paris)
1938 The Duke of West Point
1939 The Man in the Iron Mask
1940 My Son, My Son!
1940 Dance, Girl, Dance
1940 神劍復山河 (The Son of Monte Cristo)
1941 Ladies in Retirement
1945 天網恢恢 (And Then There Were None)
1946 Young Widow
1946 The Strange Woman
1946 he Return of Monte Cristo
1946 Repeat Performance
1948 Ruthless
1948 Walk a Crooked Mile
1949 蒙面海盜 (I pirati di Capri / The Masked Pirate)
1950 House by the River
1950 大海賊 (Fortunes of Captain Blood)
1951 虎盜痴鸞 (The Lady and the Bandit)
1951 化身博士之子 (The Son of Dr. Jekyll)
1952 三劍客勇舊鐵面宮主 (Lady in the Iron Mask)
1952 海賊船 (Captain Pirate)
1953 The Royal African Rifles
1953 The Saint's Return
1954 Duffy of San Quentin
1956 The Search for Bridey Murphy
1967 血洗英雄堡 (Chuka)
1973 Terror in the Wax Museum