克勞汀奧琪 (Claudine Auger,1941 – 2019) : 法國女演員,以演出霹靂彈 (Thunderball)聞名。曾獲得法國世界小姐的頭銜, 1958年世界小姐第二名。
演出的電影(部分) :
1958 花月斷腸時 (Christine)【未列名】
1960 Le testament d'Orphée ou ne me demandez pas【未列名】
1960 Terrain vague (Wasteland)
1962 Le masque de fer (The Iron Mask)
1963 In the French Style
1964 Die Lady (Games of Desire)
1965 Yoyo
1965 Una bella grinta (The Reckless)【未列名】
1965 霹靂彈 (Thunderball)
1966 黃金艷盜 (L'homme de Marrakech / That Man George)
1966 大艷賊 (Operazione San Gennar / The Treasure of San Gennaro)
1966 死亡任務 (Triple Cross)
1966 飛天魔王子 (The Devil in Love)
1967 Jeu de massacre (The Killing Game)
1967 一家之主 (The Head of the Family)
1968 Escalation
1968 Flammes sur l'Adriatique (Adriatic Sea of Fire)
1968 母子大盜 (The Bastard)
1969 Komm, süßer Tod
1971 Equinozio
1971 La tarantola dal ventre nero (Black Belly of the Tarantula)
1971 Ecologia del delitto (A Bay of Blood)
1971 Un peu de soleil dans l'eau froide (A Few Hours of Sunlight)
1972 Gli ordini sono ordini
1975 夏日殺手 (The Summertime Killer)
1974 江湖大殺手 (Borsalino & Co.)【未列名】
1974 La dynamite est bonne à boire (Bloody Sun)
1975 L'intrépide
1975 Flic Story
1978 Un papillon sur l'épaule
1979 Aragosta a colazione (Lobster for Breakfast)
1979 L'associé
1984 Secret Places
1986 L'iniziazione (What Every Frenchwoman Wants)
1988 Un amore di donna (Love of a Woman)
1991 La bocca
1992 Salt on Our Skin (Desire)
1995 Los hombres siempre mienten (Men Always Lie)