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麥可雷德格雷夫 (Michael Redgrave1908 – 1985) : 英國舞台和電影演員,導演,和作家。演《哀悼伊萊克特拉》(1947)獲得奧斯卡最佳男演員獎的提名。演《The Browning Version(1951)中獲得四屆坎城電影節最佳男主角獎。

演出的電影(部分) :

1936  間諜末日 (Secret Agent)【未列名】

1938  貴婦失蹤案 (The Lady Vanishes)

1939  Stolen Life

1940  The Stars Look Down

1941  Jeannie

1945  往星球之路 (The Way to the Stars)

1945  Dead of Night

1946  The Captive Heart

1947  哀悼埃里特拉 (Mourning Becomes Electra)

1951  The Browning Version

1951  The Magic Box

1952  The Importance of Being Earnest

1954  The Green Scarf

1954  戰海驚濤 (The Sea Shall Not Have Them)

1955  The Night My Number Came Up

1955  轟炸魯爾水壩記 (The Dam Busters)

1955  Mr. Arkadin (Confidential Report)

1956  1984 (1984)

1957  一路福星 (The Happy Road)

1957  歲月無情 (Time Without Pity)

1958  沉默的美國人 (The Quiet American)

1959  亂世奇男子 (Shake Hands with the Devil)

1959  怒海爭雄 (The Wreck of the Mary Deare)

1961  古屋驚魂 (The Innocents)

1962  The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner

1965  碧血自由魂 (Young Cassidy)

1965  山丘 (The Hill)

1965  鐵勒瑪九壯士 (The Heroes of Telemark)

1967  逃亡二十五小時 (La Vingt-cinquième Heure / The 25th Hour)

1968  特種任務(Assignment K)

1969  Oh! What a Lovely War

1969  Oh! What a Lovely War

1969  萬世師表 (Goodbye, Mr. Chips)

1971  一段情 (The Go-Between)

1971  Nicholas and Alexandra

1972  The Last Target

1975  Rime of the Ancient Mariner


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