羅斯坦布林 (Russ Tamblyn,1934) :美國影視演員和舞者。年輕時接受過體操訓練。演冷暖人間 (Peyton Place),獲得奧斯卡最佳男配角提名。
演出的電影 (部分) :
1948 慘綠少年 (The Boy with Green Hair)【未列名】
1949 恐怖時代 (Reign of Terror)【未列名】
1949 霸王妖姬 (Samson and Delilah)
1949 Captain Carey, U.S.A
1950 美豔親王 (Father of the Bride)
1951 玉女弄璋 (Father's Little Dividend)
1951 As Young as You Feel
1952 The Winning Team
1953 陣地爭奪戰 (Take the High Ground)
1954 七對佳偶 (Seven Brides for Seven Brothers)
1954 一曲情深 (Deep in My Heart)【未列名】
1955 過關斬將 (Many Rivers to Cross)
1955 碧海春光 (Hit the Deck)
1956 無敵神槍手 (The Fastest Gun Alive)
1956 The Young Guns
1957 近水樓台先得月 (Don't Go Near the Water)
1957 冷暖人間 (Peyton Place)
1958 High School Confidential!
1958 指姆仙童 (Tom Thumb)
1960 西馬龍 (Cimarron)
1962 奇妙世界 (The Wonderful World of the Brothers Grimm)
1962 西部開拓史 (How the West Was Won)
1963 追男記 (Follow the Boys)
1963 邪屋 (The Haunting)
1964 長船 (The Long Ships)
1965 虎父虎子 (Son of a Gunfighter)
1966 地底大怪獸 (The War of the Gargantuas)
1969 Satan's Sadists
1969 Scream Free!
1971 The Female Bunch
1971 The Last Movie
1976 The Captive: The Longest Drive 2
1982 Human Highway
1993 Little Devils: The Birth
1998 Little Miss Magic
2000 Inviati speciali
2011 落日車神(Drive)
2012 決殺令(Django Unchained)
2014 雙峰:遺失的碎片(Twin Peaks: The Missing Pieces)
2015 Chatty Catties
2016 Paint It Black