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羅勃韋伯 (Robert Webber19241989) : 美國演員。演出四十部電影及百餘部電視影片。

演出的電影 :

1950  劫盜伏法記 (Highway 301)

1957  十二怒漢 (12 Angry Men)

1962  The Nun and the Sergeant

1963  蕩女淚 (The Stripper)

1963  Hysteria

1965  春風無限恨 (The Sandpiper)

1965  魂斷三日 (The Third Day)

1966  神秘追魂鎗(The Silencers)

1966  梟巢掃蕩戰 (Harper)

1966  國際暗殺命令 (The Hired Killer)

1966  Dead Heat on a Merry-Go-Round

1967  艷侶迷春 (Don't Make Waves)

1967  決死突擊隊 (The Dirty Dozen)

1967  Qualcuno ha tradito (Every Man Is My Enemy)

1968  The Big Bounce

1969  French Mistress

1970 The Great White Hope

1971  Macédoine

1971 鬼計連環套 (The Heist)

1975  Piedone a Hong Kong (Flatfoot in Hong Kong)

1975  The Dangerous Mission

1976  中途島 (Midway)

1976  Squadra antifurto

1977  Passi di morte perduti nel buio  (Death Steps in the Dark)

1977  Madame Claude

1977  L'imprécateur  (The Accuser)

1977  The Choirboys

1978  龍馬精神 (Casey's Shadow)

1978  天才活寶 (Revenge of the Pink Panther)

1979  Gardenia, il giustiziere della mala

1979  十全十美 (10

1979  Courage fuyons

1980  All Stars

1980  小迷糊當大兵 (Private Benjamin)

1980  Sunday Lovers

1981  瘋狂人生 (S.O.B.)

1982  拆穿西洋鏡 (Wrong Is Right)

1982  魔鬼奇兵 (Who Dares Wins / The Final Option)

1985  野雁突擊隊2:魔鬼堡 (Wild Geese II)

1987  我要求審判 (Nuts)

    羅勃韋伯 (Robert Webber)
    創作者 佳銘的管窺與管見 的頭像


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